sábado, 26 de outubro de 2019

Catholic Sects promotes physical, psychological and sexual abuse of his intern and break the rules in benefit of the high clerical

Recently the fashionism is to assume a christian position and promote an unequality of christian over other religous ethnicity, blaming other of non-creator's followers, sinners, unjust, promoting a new holy war.

People around the world use this excuse for proclaiming a racial justification, concluding that new racist groups are using their faith to justify racist attacks and murdering. This global chaotic phallacy is being given and justified by leaders, political leaders, that use their faith to raise this cruzader's thinking.

The racial question here is going beyond the social question. Political leaders are getting closer and closer to christian leaders and promoting an approximation to Israel, advocating for being jewish descendants and auto-proclaiming the Israel's son and sons of the same god, justifying their salvation.

The old right that was a non religious leadership and promoted the national feeling as an unity of many different ethnicity is now disrupted by this new right, that promotes equality for jews and christians and promote different treatment to Islamists, Pagans, Afro-religious, and Satanists, that they consider an enemy.

The phallacy of this christocracy, with government under the religious blessing and government for their religious equals make the approximation with the worst christian scum, like maisntream media priests and shepards, pastors and gospel music and blame the Rock 'n Roll as a Satanic music and, also - absurdly - communist music, attacking the Rock 'n Roll as a product of Frankfurt School.

The phallacy also goes beyond their own capability of thinking right, seeing the truth, getting what insterest to them and affirming it's the highest truth, and affirming that the reality is a communist rethoric. Like nowadays the new right keeps affirming that Evola promoted christianity, Guénon promoted a christian school for traditionalism, etc.

Another rethoric is that they use the high christian to justify their hipocrite corruption, among other races and society in general, doing those corruptive acts in the name of a christian church and in the justification that they are christians. That pusilanimous act is worst than the evil they preach, for they all the time affirms themselves as the guardians of the truth.

Resultado de imagem para christian terrorism

To justify it it's not a theoretic conspiracy or any rethoric with no sense, it's just to see the recently actions as Christchurch massacre, when a white supremacist attacked mosques affriming that the country is a christian country.

Christianity is a coward form of politician, promoting inequality, attacking the differents and promoting a government with christians, subjugating the others under their own laws, based on their own beliefs. A religion that promotes racial inequality and the phallacy of determine the directions of politics.

Christian protestants are in congress. They are in the executive power and the legislative, under the excuse of bring the legality and the legal system to an universal projection. Churches are legally above the law, free of fees and with special legal system.

In general catholic churches are devoted to the Vatican laws, above the countries laws, this give a clear hide of pedophilia cases, moral and physical abuses, with no capability for the legal system to investigate the cases.

Recently in Brazil, the Heralds of the Gospel were accused of moral, physical and sexual abuse of children and teenagers, but hardly to get the involved, as they have the hierarchical system promoted by Vatican, that hides, also, cases of pedophilia in Vatican.

The promotion of a christocracy is demanded by the new right, the Alt Right, based in phisolophical system of Evola and Guénon, promoting a tradition based in capitalism and social equality under god's law, where the christians have the control, in congress, legal and presidential sphere, to promote a christian government, democratic just for their equals.

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Abortion cases, in general are condemned by christianity, but in case of rape, now is their race for the total deny of abortion cases, but in offense of rape victims, accusing them cowardly of being circumstancial cases and they must accept the fate, and also, promote a new form of acceptance of the rape, in general, the rapist paying the necessities for the 'new family.

Just in their sick heads it is considered a family, considering rape a crime and offensive attacks for the rape victims, shows how christianity is a regret for the society and legal system.

Also, mysoginy is a characteristic of christianity, that promotes the patriarchal model of family, denying women's rights and the right to chose. In the case of abortion, is traumatizing to a woman, victim of rape being accused of murderer, or blamed on provocate the assault.

Feminicide is a characteristic of christian men, in most part, that don't accept the women being attracted. Also, most part of physical assaults against women is characteristic for the traditional patriarchal families, and justified in the speeches of these new christian representative, as Trump for exemple, and in Brazil by Bolsonaro's chauvinist.

The right to chose of the women is well respected in left hand's and in pagan beliefts, the right on chose of divorce or being respected as a woman, part of a social system and protected by society.

Each individual is supposed to have their faiths, but christianity is historically a religion that imposed it as the end and condemned who do not carry their spiritual beliefs.

Acceptance of new particularities is hard to loutish alt right representatives, that promotes political and social programs to christian churches, based in exchange of economic and political favours.

The old right is still promoting democratic ways, as in Russia and Syria, that are constantly attacked by this new right, independent of Muslim or Christian, the laic secular system is failing by the new right politics, regreting centuries of politics by ideologies and rethoric speeches, disrupting Evola's speeches under the idea of perpetual power and geo-strategic influence.

The new christian upheaval in politics is dangerous to democracy, following principles that atheist, spiritualists, Muslims and lef hands or pagans, have no interest to be listened to their demands, and also, no representation in politics.

Resultado de imagem para christian terrorism

Pope Francis appoints Brazilian cardinal to watch over ‘Heralds of the Gospel’

Pope Francis has appointed a pontifical commissioner to take charge of the international association of the faithful known as “The Heralds of the Gospel,” as well as its female and male branches of consecrated life. In a statement released on Sept. 28, the Vatican’s Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life recalled that on June 23, 2017, the congregation, together with the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life, ordered an “apostolic visitation” of the association and its clerical and women’s societies of apostolic life.

The communique stated that after the two congregations had “attentively studied” the conclusions of the visitation, Pope Francis approved the appointment of the Brazilian Cardinal, Raymundo Damasceno Assis, as the pontifical commissioner for the Heralds of the Gospel and its male and female branches.

This means the cardinal will take charge of the association and will be assisted in this role by Monsignor José Aparecido Gonçalves de Almedia, an auxiliary bishop of Brasilia, and Sister Marian Ambrosio, the Superior General of the Sisters of Divine Providence.

A similar oversight was ordered for the Legionaries of Christ after a scandal involving its founder and an apostolic visitation, when the pope appointed a cardinal to oversee that religious institute with a view to its renewal.

Established in 1999 by Monsignor Joao Scognamiglio Cla Dias, the Heralds of the Gospel is an offshoot of the Brazilian Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property. T.F.P. was a traditionalist Catholic political movement founded by Plinio Correa de Oliveira, a right-wing activist whom the Brazilian priest considered a friend and mentor. After de Oliveira's death in 1995, a legal dispute arose over ownership of the group; ultimately, Msgr. Cla Dias won and founded the Heralds of the Gospel.

Recognized by the Vatican as an international association of the faithful of pontifical right in 2001, the association and its branches for consecrated men and women, known as Virgo Flos Carmeli and Regina Virginum respectively, has people in more than 70 countries. Controversy about the group arose in 2017 when a video of a meeting between Msgr. Cla Dias and 60 priests of the religious association was made public on social media.

In the video, a priest standing next to the founder read several claims made by a demon during an exorcism, claiming that "the Vatican is mine" and foretelling the death of Pope Francis, causing some in the group, including Msgr. Cla Dias, to laugh. Other videos released online revealed practices by the Heralds of the Gospel not included in the Catholic Church’s Rite of Exorcism, including the use of the names of de Oliveira; his mother, Donna Lucilla; and Msgr. Cla Dias to drive out demons and physical abuse against people allegedly possessed.

Shortly after the video's publishing, the Vatican announced the apostolic visitation and Msgr. Cla Dias said he would resign as the group’s superior general. However, in a June 2017 letter announcing his resignation, Msgr. Cla Dias said he would not “renounce my mission as father” of the group and would continue “to intercede next to God” as the “living model and guardian of this charism, entrusted to me by the Holy Spirit.”

The Vatican said on Sept. 28 that the reason for the apostolic visitation in 2017 was due to “shortcomings concerning the style of government, the life of the members of the council, the pastoral care of vocations, the formation of new vocations, administration, the management of works and fundraising.”

The decision to appoint a commissioner, the Vatican said, “should not be considered a punishment, but an initiative intended for the good of the association, and an attempt to resolve existing problems.”

According to the Vatican directory on associations of apostolic right, the Heralds “strive to be instruments of holiness in the Church by encouraging close unity between faith and life, and working to evangelize temporal realities, particularly through art and culture.”

The directory also notes that their apostolate involves parish animation, evangelizing families, providing catechetical and cultural formation to young people and disseminating religious literature and that they focus especially on organizing artistic events in churches, schools, hospitals, factories, offices and prisons. Its educational efforts focus on developing an interior life firmly rooted in the Eucharist, devotion to Our Lady and fidelity to the Successor of Peter. The formation of its members involves the study of moral theology, exegesis, history and thorough training in the arts and modern languages.

Today, the Heralds are present, especially among the young, in many countries including the United States and Canada, and the association is reportedly among the fastest-growing religious organizations in the church. According to the Vatican directory, the supreme authority of the Heralds is the General Assembly, which elects the General Council to assist the General President in governing it. In each country, they gather together in sodalities, made up of men and women, with their own government elected by the assembly, coordinated by a regional council.

The Heralds have a distinctive dress, reminiscent of the medieval knights. There are indications that some in the association find the leadership of Pope Francis particularly challenging.

Resultado de imagem para catholic church pederasty

The Catholic church is still making excuses for paedophilia
Peter Stanford

Bishops around the world are joining the pope at a forum on tackling abuse. But only radical reform can solve the crisis

When the first meeting in the Vatican of bishops from around the world to discuss clerical sexual abuse was announced, hopes were high among Catholics. Finally, it seemed, the courageous, mould-breaking Pope Francis was going to force through root-and-branch reforms to tackle the scandal that has done such damage to the reputation of the institution he leads.

Yet even before an expected 190 church leaders assemble on Thursday in Rome for this unprecedented four-day summit, the chance of such prayers being answered is looking increasingly remote.

The Vatican press office has been downplaying the event – whose participants include not only bishops but also a number of cardinals and representatives of religious orders and Vatican departments – as simply an opportunity to remind senior clerics of the patchy efforts that global Catholicism has made this past quarter of a century to address the thousands upon thousands of cases of priests molesting, abusing and traumatising children in their care.

To be fair, a reminder is no bad thing, since there is a long list of bishops around the globe who still make negative headlines because they refuse to take this crisis seriously, and put protecting the institution before the victims of predator priests.

Even in the Vatican itself, the powerful Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith has refused a very basic request from the Commission for the Protection of Minors, set up by Francis in 2014, to send a letter acknowledging receipt of every new report of abuse that reaches it.

There is so much that the summit could insist be done better, but it will require the pope to come out fighting. And on that score, the omens are not good. On his return flight from his latest overseas trip – to a World Youth Day gathering in Panama at the end of last month – Francis offered scant encouragement. “The problem of abuse will continue,” he told reporters, as if it were as inevitable as the sunrise. “It is a human problem.”

He sounds as much in denial as his predecessors. When the first shocking disclosures of clerical abuse emerged in the 1990s, Pope John Paul II referred to those clerics who abused children as a “few bad apples”. His successor, Benedict XVI, pointed an accusing finger instead at the high number of closeted gay men in the clergy. Though it flies in the face of all secular, scientific and psychosexual orthodoxy, the leaders of Catholicism (as many as 80% of them gay themselves, according to a new book by sociologist Frederic Martel) persist in equating same-sex adult sexual attraction with the violent rape of children by grown men.

Francis resorted to an even more outdated explanation in September last year. In language that owed much to medieval theology, he blamed it all on the devil, a malign force tempting otherwise good priests to sexually abuse children.

So is there really any possibility that this gathering in Rome might just be a road-to-Damascus moment for Catholicism in a crisis that has shaken it to its core? Naively, perhaps, I continue to hope so. Back in June 2011 I wrote in these pages of the profound blow to my own faith of learning that our beloved priest and family friend, Father Kit Cunningham – who had married us and baptised our children, one of whom was named after him – was not the eccentric but essentially good man of God that I had always believed him to be, but a child abuser whose past crimes had been known to his religious superiors, who didn’t breathe a word of it.

The logical thing would have been to walk out then, but I clung to the notion that the failings of individuals didn’t make redundant the Catholicism that is so much a part of me. And so I have persisted, but it has not helped when church leaders trot out the same discredited excuses in place of mature reflection on how things need to change.

Perhaps the most misleading excuse given is that Catholicism is just the same as others, including the BBC, that have faced charges over harbouring those who abuse children. However, a range of studies suggests that Catholicism is different. The number of paedophiles found in the male population at large is usually put at anywhere up to 4%. Yet the recent Australian Royal Commission on child sex abuse by Catholic priests suggests the figure in clerical ranks is as high as 7%. That’s almost double, and should be ringing alarm bells.

Even the Vatican’s own newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, has suggested that the absence of women in leadership roles plays a part. Statistically, women are far less likely to sexually abuse children. Yet Catholicism clings to the almost laughable explanation that, because there were only men at the Last Supper, only men can be priests.

The product of this stubbornness is a secretive, male culture at the top of Catholicism where large numbers of priests routinely break their vows of celibacy. It is an appalling moral failure and needs to end now, but that will involve rethinking an entire approach to sexuality in Catholicism that is peculiar, punitive and often plain perverse. The Jesus of the gospels had almost no interest in such matters. Why does the Church leadership? It is a question that would take more than four days to answer, were it even to make it on to the agenda in Rome this week.

Instead, expect more make-do-and-mend, fine words, dramatic gestures, and then crossing of fingers and hoping it will all go away.

It won’t. And faithful but despairing Catholics will continue quietly to depart the pews.

Imagem relacionada

The Catholic Church’s grim history of ignoring priestly pedophilia – and silencing would-be whistleblowers

Widespread public shock followed the recent release of the Pennsylvania grand jury report that identified more than 1,000 child victims of clergy sexual abuse. In fact, as I know through my research, the Vatican and its American bishops have known about the problem of priestly pedophilia since at least the 1950s. And the Church has consistently silenced would-be whistleblowers from within its own ranks.

In the memory of many Americans, the only comparable scandal was in Massachusetts, where, in 2002, the Boston Globe published more than 600 articles about abuses under the administration of Cardinal Bernard Law. That investigation was immortalized in the 2015 award-winning film, “Spotlight.”

What many Americans don’t remember, however, are other similar scandals, some even more dramatic and national in scope.

Doubling down on secrecy

While the problem of priestly pedophilia might be centuries old, the modern paper trail began only after World War II, when “treatment centers” appeared for rehabilitating abusive priests. Instead of increased transparency, bishops, at the same time, developed methods for denying and hiding allegations of child sexual abuse.

During the 1950s and 1960s, bishops from around the U.S. began referring abusive priests to church-run medical centers, so that they could receive evaluation and care without disclosing their crimes to independent clinicians.

Fr. Gerald Fitzgerald, who began his ministry in Boston and Quebec, was among those who advocated prayer over medicine. In 1947, Fitzgerald moved to New Mexico and founded the Servants of the Paraclete, a new order of Catholic priests devoted to healing deviant clergy. His belief in faith healing reflected a vocal minority of Catholic leaders who still viewed psychology as a threat to Christian faith.

Fitzgerald based the Paracletes in New Mexico. From 1947 to 1995, the state became a dumping ground for pedophile priests. As Kathleen Holscher, chair of Roman Catholic studies at the University of New Mexico, has observed, this practice forced New Mexico’s parishes to absorb, in effect, abusive priests from across the country.

Other priests sent to the Paracletes were returned back into ministry in their home diocese, reassigned to new parishes that had no way of knowing about their abusive past.

This system was sustained, in part, by the fact that few diocesan personnel files recorded past accusations by children and parents. As Richard Sipe, a psychologist who worked at a similar Catholic treatment center later revealed, bishops generally masked past accusations by instead recording code words like “tickling,” “wrestling” or “entangled friendship” in personnel files.

By 1956, Fitzgerald became convinced that pedophilia could not be treated, even as he continued to believe that prayers could cure other illnesses, such as alcoholism. He petitioned U.S. bishops to stop sending him their child abusers, advocating instead for firing abusive priests and permanently removing them from ministry.

Fitzgerald eventually appealed directly to the Vatican, and met with Pope Paul VI to discuss the problem in 1963.

Hush money
It is unclear when the Church began using hush settlements to silence victims. The practice, however, was so widespread by the 1980s that the Vatican assigned church lawyers to adjust their insurance policies in order to minimize additional liabilities.

These included Fr. Thomas Doyle, a nonparish priest who specialized in Roman Catholicism’s internal laws; Fr. Michael Petersen, a trained psychiatrist who believed that priests with abusive disorders should be treated medically; and Roy Mouton, a civil attorney who represented one of the church’s most notorious pedophile priests.

Together, they authored a 92-page report and submitted it for presentation at the 1985 meeting of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Church’s apparatus for controlling and governing American priests.

The document estimated that American bishops should plan to be sued for at least US$1 billion, and up to $10 billion, over the following decades.

Several of the nation’s most powerful cardinals buried the report.

In response, Doyle mailed all 92 pages, along with an executive summary, to every diocese in the United States. Yet there is no evidence that any bishops headed the report’s warnings.

1992: The nation’s first scandal
During the 1980s, victims began to speak out against the church’s systemic attempts to mask the scope of the crisis. In 1984, survivors of Fr. Gilbert Gauthe refused to be silenced by hush money, instead choosing the painful path of initiating public lawsuits in Louisiana. Gauthe ultimately confessed to abusing 37 children.

As these stories became public, more and more victims began to bring lawsuits against the Church. In Chicago, the nation’s first two clergy abuse survivor organizations, Victims of Clergy Sexual Abuse Linkup (LINKUP) and the Survivors’ Network for Those Abused by Priests (SNAP), were created in 1987.

In 1992, survivor Frank Fitzpatrick’s public allegations led to revelations that Fr. James Porter had abused more than 100 other children in Massachusetts. Widespread shock followed at the time as well as after Fitzpatrick’s appearance on ABC’s “Primetime Live,” when news anchor Diane Sawyer interviewed Fitzpatrick and 30 other Porter victims.

The national outcry forced dioceses across the country to create public standards for how they were handling abuse accusations, and American bishops launched new marketing campaigns to regain trust.

In spite of internal pledges to reform their culture of covering up abuses, the Pennsylvania grand jury report demonstrates that the Church’s de facto policy remains unchanged since the 1950s: Instead of reporting rape and sexual abuse to secular authorities, bishops instead continue to transfer predatory priests from one unsuspecting parish to the next.

Victims with no hope of justice
The issue of clergy sex abuse has also unleashed broader questions about justice and faith: Can courtrooms repair souls? How do survivors continue to pray and attend Mass?

As a scholar who studies communities of clergy abuse victims, I have asked Catholics to share their thoughts about the current crisis. Many of them tell me that “at least” Boston’s Cardinal Law “went to jail.” That leads to an awkward moment when I have to refresh their memory.

Cardinal Law was neither indicted nor arrested. Instead, Pope John Paul II transferred Law to run one of the Vatican’s most cherished properties, the Basilica of Saint Mary, essentially rewarding Law for his deft cover-up of the abuses in Boston.

In fact, no American bishops or cardinals have ever been jailed for their role in covering up and enabling child sexual abuse. Civil settlements have held the Church accountable only financially. A combination of political complacency and expired statutes of limitations has prevented most survivors from obtaining real justice.

Outraged by this lack of justice, survivors urged the International Criminal Court at The Hague to investigate the Vatican for crimes against humanity. The International Criminal Court declined, citing the fact that many of the alleged crimes occurred before the court was formed, and were thus beyond the scope of the court’s “temporal jurisdiction.”

To date, the highest-ranking priest tried in an American court is Philadelphia’s Monsignor William Lynn, who was charged with conspiracy and two counts of endangering children. His 2012 conviction for one count of endangerment was vacated by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court in 2016. He now awaits an unscheduled retrial.

Even as scholars and theologians have called for all of the American bishops to resign, there has been little talk of criminal prosecutions. If yesterday’s survivors do not find justice, tomorrow’s children will not know safety.

As the Pennsylvania grand jury emphasized:

“There have been other reports about child sexual abuse within the Catholic church… For many of us, those earlier stories happened someplace else, someplace away. Now we know the truth: it happened everywhere.”

terça-feira, 10 de setembro de 2019

Mia Khalifa denounced porn industry - psyops implementation

Ex-pornstar and diva Mia Khalifa rightly denounced the porn industry for a social question formed in geo-strategic and moral questions, denounced by a mysoginist industry that promotes social disturbance and imorality for women treatement and social pathological warfare.

The mundane form of pornography formed the expectation for new watchers, and the new governments fomenting extreme ideology, polarizing the society, can make the pornography a step to the criminal action, as murdering, mysoginny, sexual traffick, sexual harassement, agression and prostitution, even child prostitution.

The psychological warfare imposed through social medias promote a vast disinformation about personal life of people, inducing people for a disruption for the social and behavioral values, like family through incest, behavior for religious fear impositions, education through implementation of a enslavement, healthy and workout through veganism and sedentarism, and etc. Creating a society uncapable to think and get involved into pornography, leftist causes and drug addiction.

This is a direction that the philantropy raised into society, like porn adiction with mysoginy, taking the decision of woman to be a citizen and creating her image as an object. This is a judeo-christian seed imposed, for the old pagan civilizations were adoring the woman as the fertility, capable to create good personalities and great leaders, adoring goddesses as the main characters through hisroty.

Christianity uses women as objects, and take the values of them, imposing this cinematographic industry imposing it and than, raises the leftist-feminism as a disruption of society, growing violence, stimulant of anti-male attacks and also, raising male anti-feminine and anti-masculinity movements as the bulshit of MGTOW, forming a polarized society that don't follow the life's cycle, as not reproducing and abdicating of the pleasure - previously corrupted by porn industry.

Mia Khalifa blamed the porn industry for being a mark of this sickest treatment into society, biblically defended as a form of behavioral and crowd controling, under false operatives, social networking promotion of disrution and polarization.

Trump's government is one exemple of society's pathologic behavior, for implementation of a freedom of speech of this new right, advocating to the freedom of thinking that abjuration of values and social coexistence in order of racial and mysoginist behaviors.

Stirner promoted the self regulamentation of society comes from the self, values that are capable to be implemented in society with the preservation of the ego, and not under the legal politics that protects the people that promotes disruption of society by laws, in order to quench these pathologies.

Under the marginality, the Frankfurt scholars promoted that this disruption, under sexual content and drugs legality, would promoted a legal weak state, and destroy some values to impose into society a leadership that could feed these vices and make the population enslaved forever, imposing slowly family sex, transphilia and heterophobia, gender role, and child prostitution. 

The question of Mia Khalifa goes also beyond the moral question, it was a part of international terrorism. The imposition of a porn scene of using hijab, disrespecting Islam was a point that she could have his image associated not only with prostitution but with assassination and terrorism. With a pusilanimous attitude of attack the image of the actress and forgeting the male part and the business part from behind the scenes, the industry. 

Assuming that ISIS is fiend for pornography and is created by a Islamic ideology with many non-Islamist, the shock of culture into the State is done by many criminal personal, porn addicts and, also, ISIS is involved in international children sexual traffick, and for those who don't belive, Boko Haram, the ISIS friends, promoted rape and children sexual traffick with teenagers and children women. So, the image of Mia Khalifa goes beyond the porn industry, it's a geo-strategic question that shows that the terrorism and warfare is implementing a brainwash and virtual attack, monitoring the virtual players and use it as psyops and recruitment, kind of a virtual army.

Mia Khalifa gerou furor entre muçulmanos por vídeo pornográfico em que aparecia com véu islâmico

Mia Khalifa says she’s ‘not proud’ of porn industry past, made just Rs 8.7 lakh as adult star, received death threats
Mia Khalifa talks about her past career as a porn star in an interview with her therapist. Mia spent just three months working in the porn industry before leaving in 2015.

Former adult star Mia Khalifa has said that people may believe she earned a lot while working in the porn industry, but she made a mere $12,000 (app Rs 8.75 lakh). She said in an interview shared on YouTube that she isn’t proud of her past, and that she is still working on finding acceptance.

Mia spent just three months working in the porn industry before quitting in 2015 but she remains a highly ranked star on site Pornhub. “I made a total of around $12,000 in the industry and never saw a penny again after that,” Mia claimed in the video. She also said the industry “trap women legally into contracts when they’re vulnerable”.

Mia, who has never talked about her past, shared the video interview and tweeted, “Deliberately not talking about my past has hurt my future more than speaking my truth ever could. I’m ready to shed light on every questionable moment from my past, because if I own it, it can’t be used against me.”

Deliberately not talking about my past has hurt my future more than speaking my truth ever could. I’m ready to shed light on every questionable moment from my past, because if I own it, it can’t be used against me. https://t.co/xHK7SmhfrY pic.twitter.com/BSITEE2clX
— Mia K. (@miakhalifa) August 8, 2019

The Lebanon-born performer revealed she made her first porn film in October 2014 and thought no one would find out, but in a few months, she was the number one ranked performer on Pornhub. “I definitely have not come to terms with my past yet. I might put on a facade, because I fake it until I make it. My friends from home started to find out because somebody found the first scene and they sent it to everybody. I was already about to film the one with the hijab that basically went viral and global. It was going to happen that week, so I was like, well, you know, I can’t back out. So, I guess, this next one, people are starting to find out. After that one came out the following week, it was beyond repair.”

Some of the films also showed her performing sex acts while wearing a hijab, which led to death threats.Talking about it, Mia said, “Instantly that it was posted, it was like wildfire. ISIS sent me death threats, they sent me a Google Maps image of my apartment. I stayed in a hotel for two weeks after that because fear really set in. They Photoshopped a picture of me on a beheaded body holding my head that was Photoshopped on there saying ‘You’ll be next’.”

Mia often receives offensive messages from trolls but says that it does not affect her anymore. “I don’t sweat the small stuff anymore, things people say don’t offend me. I always think ‘OK, but are you ISIS? Are you going to kill me? No, move on’.”

Eventually, the attention had an adverse effect. “The shame started to set in a little bit,” she said, pointing to “a fear of things starting to change and people starting to think things of me.”

“Acceptance and pride in my past. Neither of those things have come to me yet. I am still working on the acceptance, but I am definitely not proud of it. I immediately wanted to make them feel small as they did to me. I could have handled it in a better manner,” she said.

Disturbing Trends: Incest Becoming Most Popular Porn Category For Millennials

The demand for pornography videos that depict incest has grown 1,000 percent since 2011 and makes up ten percent of titles purchased by Millennials since 2015.
The fauxcest genre saw a 178 percent spike in consumption over 2014 alone, reports Vice News, and viewers are increasingly demanding more depictions of rape and sex between blood relatives.

From Vice:
As its popularity's grown, the character of fauxcest has changed. In the past, studios producing fauxcest filmed it with disclaimers that the content was not real and made pains to show that the fake relations were just step-whatevers. Now, some distributors take pains to make relations seem real and direct — and the disclaimers they do present usually get chopped off when their videos are published on tube sites.

The scenes have also shifted, Fires and her husband, Jack Kona, a porn producer since 2001, both say, from campy and light to grim and rapey. Fires has received scripts asking her to do things like cry as she seduces and sleeps with her stepdaughter at her father's funeral. The studio Primal Fetish has an entire line of videos in which brothers repeatedly coerce their sisters into sex, replete with sneers of disgust and pained whimpers.

Simultaneously, there has also been an 86 percent rise in child porn hidden by operators through apparently legal commercial adult pornography websites, reports The Guardian.

Simultaneously, there has also been an 86 percent rise in child porn hidden by operators through apparently legal commercial adult pornography websites.

An investigation by the Internet Watch Foundation found that site operators hide the illegal content by using a shortened URL that directs the viewer to the child abuse content. The vast majority of the disguised sites were deliberately operated by the website owner. This leads to an increased risk that people who are searching for legal adult pornography will accidentally view child abuse images content via the disguised sites.

Fifty-seven percent of the victims were assessed to be aged 10 or younger, including 2 percent believed to be aged two or under, according to the report, and a third of the images were in category A, the most serious, meaning they involved the rape or sexual torture of children.

There is no way to tell if adult pornography came about through coercion, but there is strong evidence to suggest that a significant percentage of it has been made without consent. Four and a half million trafficked persons are sexually exploited, and nearly half of sex trafficking victims report they were forced to make pornography while they were in bondage.

What effects do these disturbing trends have on our society, and what do they say about our culture?
The dramatic rise in the popularity of pornography depicting incest could be due to Game of Thrones, a popular HBO show that depicts sex between a brother and a sister, suggests Vice.

The dramatic rise in the popularity of pornography depicting incest could be due to Game of Thrones, a popular HBO show that depicts sex between a brother and a sister.

It's hard to say what exactly is driving these trends, but there is reason to be concerned about their implication for our society. While some pornography users are not violent, data has shown that some will act out what they are viewing in the real world, and that there is a link between pornography use and domestic violence.

According to data from Australia, a crisis in domestic violence is being driven by abusers who are frequent consumers of pornography, which often depicts choking, rape, and other violent and degrading behaviors. Domestic violence there has reached epidemic proportions, according to the Gold Coast Centre Against Sexual Violence.

They have received a 56 percent increase in referrals from the emergency room for cases of sexual violence. Disturbingly, in cases where the woman had a relationship with the man, and she knew his habits, the victim frequently reports that he is a regular pornography user.

A crisis in domestic violence is being driven by abusers who are frequent consumers of pornography.

“These levels of physical and sexual violence are bordering on and including behavior that would meet the criminal code definition of torture,” the Centre director McLeod told the Problem with Porn conference at Southport. “What used to be an uncommon story is now very much an everyday story involving women of varied ages and diverse backgrounds.... what research is finding and what we see at our center is that pornography is clearly influencing sexual expectations and practices between intimate partners, so that the correlation between pornography, rape, and domestic violence can no longer be ignored."

"Abusers seem to be even bigger users of pornography than other men are," said domestic violence expert and author of Why Does He Do That? Lundy Bancroft. "And pornography, like any addiction, tends to lead to more and more extreme behaviors in pursuit of elusive satisfaction. Pornography conditions its users into a lot of degrading and demeaning practices."

quinta-feira, 18 de julho de 2019

FaceApp is a product for stealing data and promote governmental tracking and projection for future intelligence operations

The real project of Facebook is to map people around the world and project the possible future of them, tracking people around the world by facial reconigtion.

After the 10 years challenge, the company projected the possible aging from now on, and traced a probability of future, based on previous particular signs in people's faces. What happened is that FaceApp projected the future, the possibility of exchange sexual gender, making possibility of traces possible future daughters and sons, trace younger faces, reconizing previous actions, but the older instant app is the most interesting and more real trace.

The reality is that, from now, Facebook sold the informations to companies to business enterprises, searching the possibility of future customers, and giving information to advertisers, for possible money exchange on business, service and governmental/security level of map society.

some of the silliest advisers tells it's a Russian consultancy to promote a world wide tracking, but the reality is that the servers and the clouds are in USA and the sided Facebook, Instagram, advisers are interested in the information that FaceApp is promoting. FaceApp is tracking in Russia, but the Amazon servers will hardly have the information given to Russia intelligence, while Facebook is tracking these informations for a long time.

The high level military intelligence is promoted by a civilian app that is put to download and spread like virus in society, adopted first by actors and celebrities gone to a new level of viral use, and information and data stealing, while you give permission to the app access your photos and informations, the cell phone number and the e-mail information.

The Data will be processed in an international server and will save your data with your interested photo to proccess and save it for future use for a political and military intelligence.

Than the promotion of drug market, political tracking, interested on security and military psyops operation, will open sources to new level of controlling the interest of population, as the asthetic program of beauty products, marked of drugstores, asthetic surgeries, previous depression picture figuring how politics will be used to enslave the population to a possible massive mind control program.

But governments will be more interested on it, to promote future operations of possible treatening on national security.

Previously the government and military should have your picture and use intelligence to trace personal signals to create a possible sketch, but now, the own society is giving this information, with the possibility of use of beard, take off beard, age, chance hairs colors, etc.

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What can companies and criminals do with your data from FaceApp?

With the popular FaceApp you can look older on photos, but you also give your photos and personal information to a company that can sell them. What exactly can the buyers of this information do with it?

With the popular FaceApp you can look older on photos, but you also give your photos and personal information to a company that can sell them. What exactly can the buyers of this information do with it?

What is FaceApp?

FaceApp is a popular smartphone app that allows you to place a filter on selfies. This allows you to see, for example, what you would look like as an old man or woman. The popularity of the app has grown in recent weeks and is also being used by many celebrities.

What exactly does FaceApp collect?

FaceApp collects and saves all photos that users take. In addition, data that identifies your phone is also stored, along with cookies, log files, your location and your app use.

What does FaceApp do with this data?

All your data is shared with "companies in a group that FaceApp is part of, or companies that can later join this group". They are officially used to improve the services of all these companies.

Because other parties can freely join this group, in theory every company has access to the data. This allows an external party to also buy your data. FaceApp does not disclose which institutions have been allowed to look at the data so far.

Could that data be misused?

If the FaceApp data falls into the wrong hands, it can be used to sketch an extensive profile of your online behavior. Your photo and the identification code of your phone can be linked to data from, for example, data leaks, to identify your interests. Even leaked e-mail addresses, credit cards and passwords can be linked to this profile.

By sharing cookies from your device, even your surfing behavior on the internet could be mapped. Such data can be misused for, for example, identity theft or espionage.

Does this really happen?

No specific situations are known in which data from FaceApp were misused by, for example, crime. However, the amount of processed data and the privacy conditions make this possible in theory.

Cyber ​​criminals have in the past exploited leaked data in a similar way to, for example, steal identities or hack accounts.

Surely tech companies collect data more often? Why is there so much fuss at FaceApp?

FaceApp is made by Wireless Labs, a company based in Russia. The company does not have a European office, which makes it difficult to invoke the European privacy law. The company is probably not responding to requests to hand over or delete your data. In addition, FaceApp will not tell you where your data is at the moment.

The fact that the company is in Russia is also a source of suspicion among critics. Government hackers in the country have been accused several times of hacking attacks and attempts to spread disinformation on social media. Antivirus company Kaspersky even had to move its headquarters from Russia, after allegations that the company cooperates with the local government.

How do I prevent my data from being misused?

The data collected by FaceApp can no longer be removed from the company. You can choose to remove the app and no longer use it, to prevent Wireless Labs from collecting new data from you.

In addition, with future free apps it is wise to see where the creator is and what happens to data. An app's privacy statement often states what the developer collects and what it is used for. If a company is located in Europe, then the maker must adhere to a strict privacy law, which means you can always request that your data be deleted.

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FaceApp: Are security concerns around viral app founded? | #TheCube

If you’ve been scrolling through Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook this week, chances are you have seen photographs of your friends looking older, younger, or even changing in gender overnight.

The app they are using, FaceApp, has been enjoying a boost in popularity this week and counts celebrities such as Drake and Gordon Ramsey among its 80 million users.

This week, it overtook Instagram and Whatsapp on the Apple App Store's top chart as the most downloaded app, prompting CEO Yaroslav Goncharov to post on Facebook: "Change, it's nice."

But many users on social media have raised concerns surrounding privacy and facial recognition — do these concerns have any basis?

What is FaceApp?
FaceApp was founded in 2017 by Wireless Lab, a company based in St Petersburg, Russia. That year, the app was widely criticized for “racist” selfie filters; an option labelled as “hot” seemingly lightened users’ skin tones.

A few months later, users were outraged to see that the app had introduced a series of “ethnicity change” filters, where users could alter photos to appear “black,” “Indian,” or “Asian.”

Two years on, the app was back in the spotlight and some social media users were wondering why it has gone viral, seemingly out of nowhere.

One rumour that was circulating alleged the app may be grabbing users’ photos from their phones and uploading them to the FaceApp server without asking.

While there is as yet no evidence to support these claims, people took to Twitter to voice concerns.

What does FaceApp's privacy policy say?
FaceApp states in its privacy policy that they use “third-party analytics tools” which “collect information sent by your device or our Service, including the web pages you visit, add-ons, and other information that assists us in improving the Service.”

The policy highlights that the purpose of this is to “measure traffic and usage trends for the Service,” and reiterates that "we will not rent or sell your information to third parties outside FaceApp.”

But in the same section it is also written that the app shares information with “third-party organizations that help us provide the Service to you” and deliver targeted ads.

The privacy policy, French security researcher Baptiste Robert told Euronews, is "pretty vague".

However, he also said: "We don’t have an answer in the how [photos are stored] but we can see that only the photo you are working on is uploaded to their servers.

"They are not uploading the gallery of the user to their server, only the current photo."

However, Robert highlighted that the company is not General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliant, "which is an issue."

GDPR safeguards EU citizens' personal online data. It states that to be able to use an app, an account must be made on the app — FaceApp, however, does not require an account for users to process their pictures.

What has FaceApp said?
In a statement to Euronews, FaceApp said that only photos uploaded by the user are sent to the FaceApp cloud, where most of the photo processing for the app is performed.

“We never transfer any other images from the phone to the cloud,” the statement said.

A photo uploaded to the cloud may be stored for reasons of “performance and traffic,” and “most images are deleted from our servers within 48 hours from the upload date.”

The statement reiterated that FaceApp does not “sell or share any user data with any third parties,” adding.

“Even though the core R&D team is located in Russia, the user data is not transferred to Russia,” it added.

FaceApp also commented on concerns that photos from phone galleries were uploaded to their servers after a user granted access to the photos: “We don't do that. We upload only a photo selected for editing.”

To upload or not to upload?
James Whateley, a strategy partner with Digitas UK, weighed in on the issue, telling Euronews: "I just think there's something veering on the dishonest when an app parades itself as a bit of fun, not unlike your average ephemeral Snapchat filter, while quietly removing you of all your rights to your own likeness.

"The terms aren't that dissimilar to the Facebooks and Instagrams of this world but at least with them, you know what you're signing up for.

"With FaceApp, the value 'exchange' is not explicit at all. And there's no opt-out either."

Robert highlighted the danger of uploading photos to any app: "Uploading your face to a random app is a privacy nightmare. People shouldn’t do that."

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FaceApp: Is The Russian Face-Aging App A Danger To Your Privacy?

No, FaceApp isn’t taking photos of your face and taking them back to Russia for some nefarious project. At least that’s what current evidence suggests.

After going viral in 2017, and amassing more than 80 million active users, it’s blowing up again thanks to the so-called FaceApp Challenge, in which celebs (and everyone else) have been adding years to their visage with the app’s old-age filter. The app uses artificial intelligence to create a rendering of what you might look like in a few decades on your iPhone or Android device.

But one tweet set off a minor internet panic this week, when a developer warned that the app could be taking all the photos from your phone and uploading them to its servers without any obvious permission from the user.

The tweeter, Joshua Nozzi, said later he was trying to raise a flag about FaceApp having access to all photos, even if it wasn’t uploading them to a server owned by the Russian company.

Storm in an internet teacup?

This all turns out to be another of the Web’s many storm-in-teacup moments. A security researcher who goes by the pseudonym Elliot Alderson (real name Baptiste Robert) downloaded the app and checked where it was sending users’ faces. The French cyber expert found FaceApp only took submitted photos—those that you want the software to transform—back up to company servers.

And where are those servers based? Mostly America, not Russia. A cursory look at hosting records confirmed to Forbes that this was true: The servers for FaceApp.io were based in Amazon data centers in the U.S. The company told Forbes that some servers were hosted by Google too, across other countries, including Ireland and Singapore. And, as noted by Alderson, the app also uses third-party code, and so will reach out to their servers, but again these are based in the U.S. and Australia.

Of course, given the developer company is based in St. Petersburg, the faces will be viewed and processed in Russia. The data in those Amazon data centers could be mirrored back to computers in Russia. It’s unclear how much access FaceApp employees have to those images, and Forbes hadn’t received comment from the company at the time of publication about just what it does with uploaded faces.

So while Russian intelligence or police agencies could demand FaceApp hand over data if they believed it was lawful, they’d have a considerably harder time getting that information from Amazon in the U.S.

Permission to land on your phone

So is there a privacy concern? FaceApp could operate differently. It could, for instance, process the images on your device, rather than take submitted photos to an outside server. As iOS security researcher Will Strafach said: “I am sure many folks are not cool with that.”

It’s unclear how well FaceApp’s AI would process photos on the device rather than more powerful servers. FaceApp improves its face-changing algorithms by learning from the photos people submit. This could be done on the device, rather than the server, as machine learning features are available on Android and iOS, but FaceApp may want to stick to using its own computers to train its AI.

Users who are (understandably) concerned about the app having permission to access any photos at all might want to look at all the tools they have on their smartphone. It’s likely many have access to photos and an awful lot more. Your every move via location tracking, for instance. To change permissions, either delete the app, or go to app settings on your iPhone or Android and change what data tools are allowed to access.

FaceApp responds

Forbes contacted FaceApp founder Yaroslav Goncahrov, who provided a statement Wednesday morning. He said that user data is not transferred to Russia and that "most of the photo processing in the cloud."

"We only upload a photo selected by a user for editing. We never transfer any other images from the phone to the cloud," Goncharov added.

"We might store an uploaded photo in the cloud. The main reason for that is performance and traffic: we want to make sure that the user doesn't upload the photo repeatedly for every edit operation. Most images are deleted from our servers within 48 hours from the upload date."

He said that users can also request that all user data be deleted. And users can do this by going to settings, then support and opt to report a bug, using the word "privacy" in the subject line message. Goncahrov said this should help speed up the process.

And he added: "We don't sell or share any user data with any third parties."

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Together FaceApp and Instagram, they are in order to steal your data and sell it to government to promote governmental programs and map soceity about geographical positions and projection of physical characteristics for future. 

Resultado de imagem para facial recognition illuminati
A Webcam or a Front Camera conected to Internet can be revealed by military inteligence and trace your places, via connection, facial reconigtion and government strategy.

Viral App FaceApp Now Owns Access To More Than 150 Million People's Faces And Names

Everyone's seen them: friends posting pictures of themselves now, and years in the future.

Viral app FaceApp has been giving people the power to change their facial expressions, looks, and now age for several years. But at the same time, people have been giving FaceApp the power to use their pictures — and names — for any purpose it wishes, for as long as it desires.

And we thought we learned a lesson from Cambridge Analytica.

More than 100,000 million people have downloaded the app from Google Play. And FaceApp is now the top-ranked app on the iOS App Store in 121 countries, according to App Annie.

While according to FaceApp's terms of service people still own their own "user content" (read: face), the company owns a never-ending and irrevocable royalty-free license to do anything they want with it ... in front of whoever they wish:

You grant FaceApp a perpetual, irrevocable, nonexclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, fully-paid, transferable sub-licensable license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, publicly perform and display your User Content and any name, username or likeness provided in connection with your User Content in all media formats and channels now known or later developed, without compensation to you. When you post or otherwise share User Content on or through our Services, you understand that your User Content and any associated information (such as your [username], location or profile photo) will be visible to the public.

FaceApp terms of use

That may not be dangerous and your likeness may stay on Amazon servers in America, as Forbes has determined, but they still own a license to do whatever they want with it. That doesn't mean the app's Russian parent company, Wireless Labs, will offer your face to the FSB, but it does have consequences, as PhoneArena's Peter Kostadinov says:

You might end up on a billboard somewhere in Moscow, but your face will most likely end up training some AI facial-recognition algorithm.

Peter Kostadinov 

Whether that matters to you or not is your decision.

But what we have learned in the past few years about viral Facebook apps is that the data they collect is not always used for the purposes that we might assume. And, that the data collected is not always stored securely, safely, privately.

Once something is uploaded to the cloud, you've lost control whether or not you've given away legal license to your content. That's one reason why privacy-sensitive Apple is doing most of its AI work on-device.

And it's a good reason to be wary when any app wants access and a license to your digital content and/or identity.

As former Rackspace manager Rob La Gesse mentioned today:

To make FaceApp actually work, you have to give it permissions to access your photos - ALL of them. But it also gains access to Siri and Search .... Oh, and it has access to refreshing in the background - so even when you are not using it, it is using you.

Rob La Gesse

The app doesn't have to be doing anything nefarious today to make you cautious about giving it that much access to your most personal computing device.

segunda-feira, 15 de julho de 2019

The new soldiers of the world order are comming from the who controls the federal reserve - Obama the player who made Bankers attack Syria

America dropped 26,171 bombs in 2016. What a bloody end to Obama's reign
Medea Benjamin
According to new figures, the US dropped nearly three bombs every hour, 24 hours a day. Dare we think how Donald Trump will continue this legacy?


Most Americans would probably be astounded to realize that the president who has been painted by Washington pundits as a reluctant warrior has actually been a hawk. The Iran nuclear deal, a herculean achievement, and the opening of diplomatic relations with Cuba unfortunately stand alone as President Obama’s successful uses of diplomacy over hostility.

While candidate Obama came to office pledging to end George W Bush’s wars, he leaves office having been at war longer than any president in US history. He is also the only president to serve two complete terms with the nation at war.

President Obama did reduce the number of US soldiers fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, but he dramatically expanded the air wars and the use of special operations forces around the globe. In 2016, US special operators could be found in 70% of the world’s nations, 138 countries – a staggering jump of 130% since the days of the Bush administration. 

Looking back at President Obama’s legacy, the Council on Foreign Relation’s Micah Zenko added up the defense department’s data on airstrikes and made a startling revelation: in 2016 alone, the Obama administration dropped at least 26,171 bombs. This means that every day last year, the US military blasted combatants or civilians overseas with 72 bombs; that’s three bombs every hour, 24 hours a day.

While most of these air attacks were in Syria and Iraq, US bombs also rained down on people in Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan. That’s seven majority-Muslim countries.

One bombing technique that President Obama championed is drone strikes. As drone-warrior-in-chief, he spread the use of drones outside the declared battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq, mainly to Pakistan and Yemen. Obama authorized over 10 times more drone strikes than George W Bush, and automatically painted all males of military age in these regions as combatants, making them fair game for remote controlled killing.

President Obama has claimed that his overseas military adventures are legal under the 2001 and 2003 authorizations for the use of military force passed by Congress to go after al-Qaida. But today’s wars have little or nothing to do with those who attacked the United States on September 11, 2001. 

The twisted legal architecture the Obama administration has constructed to justify its interventions, especially extrajudicial drone killings with no geographic restrictions, will now be transferred into the erratic hands of Donald Trump.

What does the administration have to show for eight years of fighting on so many fronts? Terrorism has spread, no wars have been “won” and the Middle East is consumed by more chaos and divisions than when candidate Barack Obama declared his opposition to the invasion of Iraq.

While the switch from US troops on the ground to airstrikes and special forces has saved US lives, untold numbers of foreign lives have been snuffed out. We have no idea how many civilians have been killed in the massive bombings in Iraq and Syria, where the US military is often pursuing Isis in the middle of urban neighborhoods. We only sporadically hear about civilian killings in Afghanistan, such as the tragic bombing of the Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz that left 42 dead and 37 wounded.

Pushed to release information about civilian deaths in drone strikes, in July 2016 the US government made the absurd claim it had killed, at most, 116 civilians in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and Libya between 2009 and 2015. Journalists and human rights advocates said the numbers were ridiculously low and unverifiable, given that no names, dates, locations or others details were released. The London-based Bureau of Investigative Journalism, which has tracked drone strikes for years, said the true figure was six times higher.

Given that drones account for only a small portion of the munitions dropped in the past eight years, the numbers of civilians killed by Obama’s bombs could be in the thousands. But we can’t know for sure as the administration, and the mainstream media, has been virtually silent about the civilian toll of the administration’s failed interventions. 

In May 2013, I interrupted President Obama during his foreign policy address at the National Defense University. I had just returned from visiting the families of innocent people killed by US drone attacks in Yemen and Pakistan, including the Rehman children who saw their grandmother blown to bits while in the field picking okra. 

Speaking out on behalf of grieving families whose losses have never been acknowledged by the US government, I asked President Obama to apologize to them. As I was being dragged out, President Obama said: “The voice of that woman is worth paying attention to.”

Too bad he never did.

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Map shows where President Barack Obama dropped his 20,000 bombs
Outgoing US leader carries out 3,000 more strikes in 2016 than year before


Incoming US President Donald Trump has said he will wage war on Isis, vowing to "bomb the s*** out of 'em".

And as the world gears up for a seemingly more violent four years, it is worth reflecting on President Obama's tenure

According to newly released figures, President Obama had already upped the number of bombs on foreign countries.

US forces dropped over 3,000 more bombs in 2016 than 2015, taking the grand total of strikes for the year to at least 26,171.

This map by Statista shows you where they were:

While President Obama reduced the number of US soldiers fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, air-strikes proliferated under his leadership.

He expanded the use of unmanned air-strikes outside the confines of war-zones in Afghanistan and Iraq to countries including Pakistan and Yemen.

In the wake of Mr Trump's win, the value of arms companies soared. He has promised extravagant military parades through America's cities and, like many Republicans, vowed to build up the US military.

The figures are likely to be an underestimate, since the only reliable data only comes from a handful of countries, and multiple bombs can be classed as a single “strike” under the Pentagon's definition.

But of the confirmed bombings, the vast majority (24,287) took place in Iraq and Syria, according to analysis of official data by Micah Zenko, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.

His research concluded that the US dropped 79 per cent of all 30,743 coalition bombs in 2016.

Yet Democrat Mr Obama leaves the White House having authorised ten times more drone strikes than George W Bush and having been at war for longer than any President in US history.

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'Peace' President? How Obama came to bomb seven countries in six years
US has engaged in conflict in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya and now Syria


Barack Obama, the man many hoped would be the 'peace President' when he was elected, has bombed seven countries during his six years in office.

The US President oversaw the first US air strikes launched in Syria this week, in a huge escalation of America’s military campaign against Isis (also known as Islamic State).

Mr Obama was elected in 2009 partly of his opposition to the Iraq war and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize after he assumed office.

The arguably optimistic decision taken by the Norwegian Nobel Committee was taken just nine months into his Presidency and came as he was trying to manage the war in Afghanistan.

His famous 'A New Beginning' speech in Cairo saw the President declare he was seeking a fresh start "between the United States and Muslims around the world", increasing hopes he would be the antidote to George W. Bush's controversial term.

Almost six years later, Mr Obama has approved military operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya and now Syria.

The Bureau of Investigative Journalism (BIJ) estimates the Obama administration has launched more than 390 drone strikes in five years across Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia – eight times as many approved during the entire Bush Presidency.


Mr Obama was at the forefront of a major withdrawal of troops in Afghanistan following America's ten-year conflict with the Taliban, which is due to finish at the end of 2014.

But in August, Afghan officials said an air strike by the American-led coalition killed at least four civilians, including two women.

Recently, Afghan President Hamid Karzai used his farewell speech to rally against US strikes one last time.

Mr Karzai, the only president Afghanistan had had since the US-led invasion in 2001, said Washington had wanted war in Afghanistan “because of its own interests”.

"The war in Afghanistan is to the benefit of foreigners," he said in his address. "But Afghans on both sides are the sacrificial lambs and victims."


Drone strikes have had some success in tackling al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), with both the Pentagon and CIA operating drones over the country - at the expensive of civilian life.

Last year, Human Rights Watch released a 102-page report on US drone attacks and air strikes in Yemen against al- Qaeda militants which found six air strikes had killed 82 people - at least 57 of them civilians - between 2009 and 2013.

In April 2014, an intensive bombing campaign carried out jointly by US drones and Yemeni government forces left a reported 68 people dead, three of them believed to be civilians.


The US has targeted al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters in controversial drone “precision strikes” in Pakistan’s tribal areas for over a decade.

Mr Obama first admitted their use in 2012, saying: “For the most part, they’ve been very precise precision strikes against al-Qaeda and their affiliates, and we’re very careful in terms of how it’s been applied.”

But while the US claim strikes are an important tool for defeating anti-American targets, many in Pakistan say they undermine the country’s sovereignty and often hit innocent civilians.

The BIJ says that since Mr Obama's inauguration in 2009, the CIA has launched 330 strikes on Pakistan. In comparison, his predecessor Mr Bush conducted 51 strikes in four years.


Mr Obama unveiled his “degrade and destroy” strategy against Isis on the anniversary of the 9/11 bombings. As he vowed to take out militants “wherever they exist”, he assured the conference: “This strategy of taking out terrorists who threaten us, while supporting partners on the front lines, is one that we have successfully pursued in Yemen and Somalia for years.”

The US has carried out several air strikes in Somalia recent years, killing a high-ranking al-Shabaab intelligence officer and its top explosives expert last year.


In 2011, a multi-state coalition was created in response to the Libyan civil war that saw American and British naval forces firing over 110 Tomahawk cruise missiles on Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi's air defences.

President Obama was forced to defend his decision to intervene in the Libya conflict with air strikes  after being accused of not properly consulting Congress.


On 10 September this year and after ending the US combat presence in Iraq, Mr Obama became the fourth US President in a row to announce air strikes in the country in a televised address. As he made this announcement, the President warned: “I will not hesitate to take action against Isil in Syria as well as Iraq”.

The air strikes came at the request of the Iraqi government, which was struggling to battle Isis militants advancing across swathes of the country.


Then, on the 22 September, the President lived up to his warning and the Pentagon announced the US had launched air strikes on the Isis stronghold Raqqa and on the Khorasan Group in Aleppo.

The Pentagon spokesman Rear Adm John Kirby said fighter jets, bombers and Tomahawk cruise missiles were fired from ships in the region during the strikes.

In a statement, the US military said it had "destroyed or damaged multiple (Isis) targets" around the cities of Raqqa, Deir al-Zor, Hasakah and the border town of Albu Kamal.