Catholic Church Exposed as a Sick Cult of Pederasts AGAIN
I honestly have no idea why anybody would want to be associated with the Catholic Church. At one point in time it might have been a legitimate religious and spiritual institution. Assuming that it was, it is no longer that, and it hasn’t been for some time. It is a sick cult of pederasts.
A Pennsylvania grand jury report has just exposed how around 1,000 children were sexually abused by over 300 priests throughout the past 70 years. It also exposes how there was a massive conspiracy to cover up what was going on.
Top Roman Catholic leaders in Pennsylvania covered up decades of child sex abuse involving more than 1,000 victims and hundreds of priests, according to a long-awaited grand jury report released Tuesday.
Capping what may be the most comprehensive examination yet of clergy sex abuse across a single state, the nearly 900-page document accuses church officials in six Pennsylvania dioceses of routinely prioritizing their institution over the welfare of children in their care.
The allegations stretch back to the 1940s, detailing child rapes and groping that mirrored the reports that have roiled the church worldwide. But the document includes several uniquely disturbing accounts of its own — including one of a 1970s pedophile and child pornography ring in Pittsburgh among priests who whipped their victims and took photos of one boy as he posed naked as if on the cross.
One priest in Southwestern Pennsylvania is said to have sexually abused a boy in a confessional. Another, from Allentown, allegedly forced a boy to give him oral sex and then cleansed the child’s mouth with holy water. Two priests impregnated teens; one urged an abortion, the other arranged a secret marriage.
And to think that there are people shocked over this. The Catholic Church is a so-called religious organization consisting of men who willfully choose not to marry. They have access to children because they are trusted by people to be men of God. It is only logical that this organization would attract homosexuals and pederasts.
This problem could potentially be fixed if they allowed priests to marry but this weird pedo shit has really done a number of the Catholic Church as a brand.
The fate of the Catholic Church ultimately doesn’t matter. We don’t need an organization like this to help us obtain a higher spiritual understanding of the world. This can be done without these sick faggots dressed up in weird costumes pretending to be men of God. They are anything but that as evidenced by their horrible deeds.