Federalist Views of Jeffersonians
In spite of these conservative tendencies among the Jeffersonians, however, the more conservative Federalists viewed the election of Jefferson as a complete disaster for the country and feared that the countri might be destroyed due to Jefferson's radical policies and mob rule. For exemple, Fisher Ames, a Federalist from Massachusetts, argued in Burkeian conservative style that the nation was imperiled and could degenerate into anarchy, followed by military desposism since the "mob" had replaced the rule by the "wise and good and opulent" (Quoted in Muccigroso, 2013, 12). Ames was essentially anti-egalitarism and an advocate of public order and the protection of private property above all else; consequently, he viewed democracy as dangerous to what was most important in society. In the words of Ames: "Democracy is a volcano, which concals the fiery materials of its own destruction. These will produce an eruption, and carry desolation in their wake" (Quoted in Muccigrosso, 2003, 12). Ames was typical among federalists in his disdain for the French Revolution and the havoc that it had wrought. In the words of Ames.
"Ought we not then to be convinced, that something more necessary to preserve liberty than to love it? Ought we not to see that when the people have destroyed all power but their own, they are the nearest possible to a despotism, the more uncontrolled for being new, and tenfold the more cruel for its hypocrisy?" (Quoted in Miner, 1996, 15).
The Federalists thus reacted to the changes around them as part of an evil and conspiratorial plot led by politically illegitimate men. As a consequence, any means was justified to ensure that the "right" people were in charge of the controls of government, and the American experiment could be prevented from falling into the disorder of the French Revolution and its "radical" democracy.

Illuminati Conspiracy
It was at this time that a conspiracy theory developed among conservatives concerned with a group known as the Illuminati. The Illuminati were a secret Masonic society formed in Germany in 1776 in opposition to the Jesuits. The Illuminati never had more than a few thousand members in Germany, but the German Jesuits developed the reactionary theory that the Illuminati were behind the effort to spread the French Revolution and its secular anti-Catholicism across Europe. The plot theory concerning the Illuminati quickly made its ways acoss the waters to America in book by Scottish scientist John Robison in 1797 entitled, Proofs of a Conspicaty Against All the Religions and Governments of Europe, carried on in the Secret Meetings of the Free Masons, Illuminati and Reading Societies. Robison argued that the Illuminati were tools of both the Pope and atheism and the Illuminati sought the return of absolutism, or the rise of radical democracy as in France (Lipset and Raab, 1970, 35).
In 1798, Jedediah Morse, who had read Robison preaching against an Illuminati conspiracy in the United States. Morse argued that the United States and the entired civilized word were in the midst of a secret Illuminati revolutionary conspiracy. Furthermore, the political clubs in the United States that had been started five years prior by French envoy Edmund Charles Genet (who had been in the U.S. seeking American support for the French Revolutionary effort to prevent the restoration of the monarch) were actually part of the Illuminati plot. Morse argued that Jefferson's Democratic Republicans were both dupes and accomplices in the Illuminati plot and that the Illuminati were conspiring to overthrow all government and all religion in the world (Palmer, 1964, 542 - 543).
Two months after Morse's sermons, the president of Yale University, Timothy Dwight, gave a speech in which he asked, "Shall our sons become the disciples of Voltaire, and the dragoons of Marat; or our daughters the concubines of the Illuminati" (Quoted in Hofstadter, 1965, 13). Clearly Dwight agreed with Morse's conspiracy theory and the idea that the Jeffersonians were on the verge of pushing America into anti-religions French Revolutionary chaos.
Other Federalists went even further, denouncing Jefferson as "the real Jacobin, the very child of modern illumination, the for of man, and the enemy of his country" (Quoted in Lipset and Raab, 1970, 37). Another Federalist conservative argued that:
"the zeal of the Democrats for office was to be treated as a part of the scheme of Illuminatism in America to worn its votaries into all offices of trust, and importance, that the weapon of government, upon signal given, may be turned against itself" (Quoted in Lipset and Raab, 1970, 37).
Still another argued that "the one concern of the Democrats of Connectcut was to dispense to the people of this state the precious doctrines of the Illuminati" (Quoted in Lipset and Raab, 1970, 37). For these Federalist conservatives. Jefferson and his followers were not just political opponents but part of a global sinister evil with plots to destroy America. The connection or belief that political opponents are a "sinister evil" involved in a massive plot would become continuing themes amont American conversatives throughout American history, whether the evil entities were Illuminati, Freemasons, communists, liberals, secular himanists, or the witches of Salem Village.
Eventually, the Illuminati conspiracy dissipated because no Illuminati actually surfaced and so subversive illuminati were ever caught in their efforts to undermine the government, religion, or society in general. Furthermore, the failure of President Adams to expel any dangerous "alien enemies" essentially suggested thet there were no dangerous alien enemies to begin with, but were instead fighments of the conservatives' imaginations. That begin the case, conservatives sought new subjects of conspiracy, and settled on the Society of United Irishmen, a group founded in the United States in 1797. A year later, rebels across the Atlantic in Ireland itself, aided by Revolutionary France, revolted against the British rule. The Federalist conservatives viewed the Irish rebellion as proof of an international French Revolutionary conspiracy, and the presence of the Society of United Irishmen in United States was therefore proof that the French and Irish were conspiring together to undermine American society. John Fenno, the editor of the Federalist paper, the Gazette of the United States, argued that the Irish revolt proved the existence of plots motivated by the "secret spirit of the Illuminati" and that Irish in America were now conspiring with French Jacobins to undermine American soceity.
In spite of the failre of the conservatives' conspiracy theories, as evidenced by their electoral defeat of 1800, the Federalists turned to the use of the same ploy of playing to conservative fears and popular prejudices as means of regaining mass support, a tactic that would become a staple of conservative politics during the Twenieth Century. In the early Nineteenth Century version, the Federalists railed against new immigrants, especially the Irish, whom they argued were different race and relition, but also were "uncouth, unclean, ignorant, unskilled and immoral." Given that most of the newly arriving immigrants supported bu Democratic Republicans, Federalist newspapers began touting their party as the "American ticket" (Fox, 1985, 78).
American Conservatism: History, Theory and Practice - Brian Farmer
Democracy is a failed system promoted by the government to make people think that they are free to speak and chose. The real concept of democracy is raised by 3 primal, and only, actions that people can promote.
The content of the legality of democracy comes from the principles that make the moderns, new right and new left, mistake the principle of liberty and what is dictatorship, in the new propagandas of, for exemple, the anarcho-primitivism is promoted by leftists, or baffle the ultra-rights with the leftist, as the liberty of cosumption with the far right ideologies, or promote neo-Malthusianism as a left ideology.
The mistake to affirm that dictatorships as simply the uncapability of security, self determination and the prohibition of freedom of speech, is wrong. As the promotion by the new right that the democracy promotes security, right to have guns, private property, is wrong.
The Primal concept of democracy is based in these three principles:
Now, it's wrong when the new right accused, for exemple, Venezuela of being a dictatorship (being it a right or wrong political system), and it's wrong also, when the leftists demands that the democracy is the right to chose and decide of indidivual chose into society and the State defends the minorities as the maximum legal promotion.
Also, it's wrong when the new rights demands that the private property, right to have guns and freedom of speech, is a sign of democracy.
Democracy is a failed system, that promotes the union of each particularity in one only system, federal, that promotes State to control each individual and promote a legal system to control it.
Democracy is a failed system promoted by the government to make people think that they are free to speak and chose. The real concept of democracy is raised by 3 primal, and only, actions that people can promote.
The content of the legality of democracy comes from the principles that make the moderns, new right and new left, mistake the principle of liberty and what is dictatorship, in the new propagandas of, for exemple, the anarcho-primitivism is promoted by leftists, or baffle the ultra-rights with the leftist, as the liberty of cosumption with the far right ideologies, or promote neo-Malthusianism as a left ideology.
The mistake to affirm that dictatorships as simply the uncapability of security, self determination and the prohibition of freedom of speech, is wrong. As the promotion by the new right that the democracy promotes security, right to have guns, private property, is wrong.
The Primal concept of democracy is based in these three principles:
- Right to vote and be voted - The capability of each individual to be into the political life;
- Right to apply for a public function - The capacity of each individual has a public work in the society, being into political life, into a public occupation, being it police, administrative, military, healthy, etc., as if it's a public carreer;
- The Majority decides - System that the votes are promoted by at least 50% + 1 vote, to determines that the majority decides the system that will be used.
Now, it's wrong when the new right accused, for exemple, Venezuela of being a dictatorship (being it a right or wrong political system), and it's wrong also, when the leftists demands that the democracy is the right to chose and decide of indidivual chose into society and the State defends the minorities as the maximum legal promotion.
Also, it's wrong when the new rights demands that the private property, right to have guns and freedom of speech, is a sign of democracy.
Democracy is a failed system, that promotes the union of each particularity in one only system, federal, that promotes State to control each individual and promote a legal system to control it.
“Democracy has become a weapon of moneyed interests. It uses the media to create the illusion that there is consent from the governed. The press today is an army with carefully organized weapons, the journalists its officers, the readers its soldiers. The reader neither knows nor is supposed to know the purposes for which he is used and the role he is to play. The notion of democracy is often no different than living under a plutocracy or a government by wealthy elites.”
Oswald Spengler

In what follows, I shall attempt to show that the modern revolutionary tradition, as it came to be internationalized under Napoleon, during the Restoration, grew out of occult Freemasonry. The early organizational revolutionary ideas originated more from Pythagorean mysticism than from practical experience. Moreover, the real innovators were not so much political activists, as much as literaly intellectuals, in particular, exerted great influence. Here, Billington was Bavarian Illuminati, in particular, exerted great influence. Here Billington was specifically talking about the organization of the Bavarian Illuminati. You can't discuss the Illuminati without understanding the Jesuit order of the Catholic Church, because Adam Weishaupt himself, the founder of the Illuminati, was in fact a Jesuit priest. He was not just an ordinary Jesuit priest, however. In Bavaria, he continued to support revolutionary radical thinking against the church, giving to the world what has come to be known, as the revolutionary tradition.
May 1, 1776, was when Adam Weishaupt founded this order. This date is important, of course, in the Soviet Union and other communist countries, because May 1st, May Day, is considered to be momentous date to all communist revolutionaries, when Adam Weishaupt founded the Illuminati. (...) The bait that was laid by Adam Weishaupt for control of a vast number of people worldwide, which has now become a very old and tired project. The project was called Democracy, a people's democracy. Adam Weishaupt, like many others before him, understood that Democracy has never worked, is not working now, and never will work. Basically, because of the reason, while people could be and are the central power of the government, the people not hold the power of any government in the final analysis. And, that while o the surface Democracy seems to be best of all possible worlds, Democracy is very perverted from of government, because the people can be misled.
Democracy comes from the world 'demos', meaning mob - a mob in the street is a 'demos'. Demos-ocracy; 'ocracy' meaning rule. Demos-ocracy, or democracy, means mob rule. You might say that true democracy is like thirty-fice whites hanging one black. That'sdemocracy. The rule of the mob. Now, when we put it into more Americanized political terms, its the rule of the people. And, while that may sound good in the print, the founders of democracy in our modern day from realized that the people could be manipulated into accepting whatever they would want the people to accept.
Matrix of Power: How the World Has Been Controlled by Powerful People by Jordan Maxwell
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