sábado, 27 de janeiro de 2018

Trump's PNAC Global Agenda, Proxy 'war' between Soros and Trump, Phony Wars and Muppet Government

Somehow people do belive the nationalism of Trump is a regret on treat of USA in the world, focusing only in common enemies, like China and North Korea, but recently had some atitudes that shown him as an american-global-unilateralist leader, muppet of bankers and big comporativists, that defends the world under corporations and debts, extracting the natural resources to them and starting wars to mantain its needs.

Also, a pupped for international banks, Bildeberg, Bohemian Groove and Rothschilds, that must mantain their interests on going, dividing the world in conflict zones and interest zones, initiating some conflicts that was already there, or creating new ones.

Trump is a part of the Comitee of 300, a toy for some of the lords, but very important anyway.

Also the plans for the neo-conservative Project for the New American Century enjoys the Trump administration to put USA globally leading, independente of UN decisions, and put the USA dictating the world direction, warfares or welfare state the nations must join.

The Project for the New American Century (PNAC), unleashed in June 1997, has largely disappeared from the political radar, yet the mire, murder and general mayhem the US, UK and dwindling “boots on the ground” allies find themselves in, are seemingly rooted in its aims, which march relentlessly on.

PNAC was founded under the Chairmanship of William Kristol, former Chief of Staff to Vice President Dan Quale during the Presidency of George Bush Snr. Kristol’s father, Irving Kristol has been described as the “Godfather of Neoconservatism.”

The organization was: “… dedicated to a few fundamental propositions: That American leadership is good for America and the world.” Projects were devised: “… to explain what American world leadership entails.”.


As Syria before and, always, North Korea, the Proxy War between USA and another country is always contantly. China is a superopower and USA must also provoke to make a ballance of power in extreme Asia. The North Korea is the Proxy War between them, also, the largest mineral reservations of Thorium is over there.

“They are, as I’ve said before, a proxy for China – a nuclear proxy – we cannot have that, and we’re going to have to, and I still believe, over the next six months to a year, we are going to have to come to a head on this because it’s unacceptable for the United States to have a nuclear ICBM North Korea.”
Another warning from the rogue state’s neighbours, South Korea, claims Kim Jong-un’s threats come because he wants global “recognition”.


North Korea and South Korea always lived under conflict that, for sure, menaces the neighboors, like Japan, and is complex because of Chinese support. But USA simply decided to act two or three fronts, like the attack on Syria and maneouvers in Japan and Korean sea, to demonstrate power in North Korea, at the time they started a Proxy War in Syria, to provoke Russia.

Declared enemy of USA, never before Kim was under a constantly paranoia, since Trump started to talk about free the Asia from the menace of Kim. We had never so many nuclear tests in a short time period before.

By this paranoia, he decided to excercise a war that he is not capable to support, like creating fake propaganda of military machinery and keeps showing to the world the idea of North Korea can have the capability to target USA.

The Phony Wars is a strategy of himself to keep the country closed to the international affairs and mantain the aliances between the oriental intimate governments and keeps acting like a silly dictatorship roleplaying.


In December Mr. Kim announced a truce to South Korea, and a possible cease fire, but keeps the treats to the USA.
It’s a normal action beyond the capacity of the country, because if they open Market to West, the local Market could fail the country economy and this bankrupt can be refund with international Money. Not good for the extreme country politician.

According to New York Times:

North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, moved Monday to ease his country’s isolation by offering to send a delegation to the Winter Olympics in South Korea next month, even as he claimed to have accomplished the ability to launch a nuclear missile at the mainland United States. 
“I am willing to send a delegation and take necessary measures, and I believe that the authorities of the North and South can urgently meet to discuss the matter,” Mr. Kim said in his annual New Year’s Day speech, broadcast on North Korea’s state-run television. “We sincerely hope that the South will successfully host the Olympics.” 
“Above all, we must ease the acute military tensions between the North and the South,” Mr. Kim said. “The North and the South should no longer do anything that would aggravate the situation, and must exert efforts to ease military tensions and create a peaceful environment.”

Acording to Time:

For one, there is the unrivaled U.S. military. For another, there is the U.S. economy, still larger than any other. But then there’s the U.S. President, who in the name of making the country great again has renounced the global architecture that the U.S. designed, championed and dominated for generations. It’s the very international system that did so much to cement American greatness in the first place. Pulling out of it won’t be easy–kind of like playing Jenga wearing mittens–if it’s possible at all. But Donald Trump has gone about trying with brio. 
What exactly is Davos? There has never been a photograph that shows the place clearly, which is actually fitting, inasmuch as the ski resort is synonymous with the faceless forces that steer life on earth. “Globalism” takes in the world all at once–one market, one ecology, one shared responsibility. And its rise has coincided with amazing progress: in 1981, 44% of the world’s population was living in extreme poverty. Today it’s 10%. 
Which means Trump should be right at home. He won the presidency by flamboyantly exploiting the chasm between the supremely assured global elite (including the Clinton Foundation) and the deep unease of U.S. workers who have lived with stagnant wages during the four decades that Davos has existed. The loss of factory jobs to low-wage countries cast the matter in patriotic terms. “At the bedrock of our politics,” Trump said in his Inaugural, “will be a total allegiance to the United States of America.” 
The problem is what to do about it in a world the U.S. not only built but built to last. Globalism’s core is the capitalist system that prevailed in the Cold War by bankrupting the Soviets, and then coaxed Communist China to transform itself into something new: a market-based economy topped by an authoritarian order. A year ago it was Chinese President Xi Jinping who made a star turn at Davos, delivering a robust defense of open trade with the zeal of a convert. “The global economy is the big ocean you cannot escape from,” Xi said, adding, of China, “We have learned how to swim.” 
Thus did the world’s oldest democracy yield back to Europe at least rhetorical defense of the Enlightenment on which the U.S. was founded, including the 18th century notions that inspired first the Declaration of Independence and then the Constitution: tolerance, liberty, progress and, not least, reason. There does not appear to be much of that in Trump’s effort to withdraw from the world.

Well, under this menace, and Middle East migration, the bankrupt of some nations is explored.

There is not a real war nowadays happening, as it is a secular war, ethnical or social warfare, that is financed by U.S.A. and Israel in Middle East to promove the migration to Europe. Let's not be so direct...

Trump also declared on Davos a globalist agenda.

Acording to Los Angeles Times:

Contrary to predictions that Trump might use his keynote address to the World Economic Forum in Davos to bash multilateral trade deals and international alliances, as he did during his campaign, he appeared to soften the edges of his "America First" policy in his speech to the elites who gather in this glitzy Alpine resort each winter to champion free trade and global cooperation.  
"America is open for business and we are competitive once again," Trump told several hundred attendees, reading his speech from teleprompters. "Now is the perfect time to bring your business, your jobs and your investments to the United States." 
"I've been a cheerleader for our country," Trump said in his speech, which largely echoed familiar White House talking points. "And everybody representing a company or a country has to be a cheerleader, or no matter what you do, it's just not going to work." 
Trump accused "some countries" of exploiting the international trading system at the expense of others. He said he supports free trade, but it "needs to be fair and it needs to be reciprocal.

Acording to the CBC:

Laura Dawson, director of the Canada Institute at the Wilson Center in Washington, D.C., says that leaders like Trump like to crow about how well their economy is doing and give full credit to their nationalist plans — but fail to credit the deep ties that link countries together.  

"All of the world's leaders, virtually, are celebrating the improvement and recovery in the global economy, but it's also giving space for the nationalists and populists to say, 'Hey this is because of our 'America first' or 'U.K. first' policies," said Dawson. 

"But it's been a lot of globalistic tendencies, economic integration, economic co-operation that has helped to produce this economic recovery."  
National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn is also in Davos. At a White House press briefing on Tuesday, Cohn framed the president's America first agenda in a more global light.  

"America first is not America alone," Cohn said. "When we grow, the world grows. When the world grows, we grow. We're part of it, and we're part of a world economy and the president believes that."

There is a need to keep the global capitalism and economic liberalism under the control and influence of the USA, and some countries keep it harsh, so under the circumstances, the illegitimate conflicts, local ones, sometimes tribal, militia conflicts became an act of global terrorism, being financed by governments and bankers, investitors and contractors causing bigger problems.

According to the New Yorker, Soros told, about the Trump in Davos:

“I find the current moment in history rather painful,” he said at the outset of his remarks. “Open societies are in crisis, and various forms of dictatorships and mafia states, exemplified by Putin’s Russia, are on the rise. In the United States, President Trump would like to establish a mafia state, but he can’t, because the Constitution, other institutions, and a vibrant civil society won’t allow it.” 

If the resilience of the U.S. system was encouraging, Soros intimated, there were still grave dangers to be faced, including the rise of authoritarianism in places like Hungary and the fact that under Trump “the United States is set on a course toward nuclear war by refusing to accept that North Korea has become a nuclear power.” This refusal had created an incentive for North Korea “to develop its nuclear capacity with all possible speed,” Soros argued, which in turn “may induce the United States to use its nuclear superiority preëmptively” and start a nuclear war. The only solution, he added, was to “come to terms with North Korea as a nuclear power.”
In economic terms, Soros suggested, the tech giants were making excessive profits and stifling innovation. And their behavior was also causing larger social and political problems. Social-media companies “deliberately engineer addiction to the services they provide,” he noted. “This can be very harmful, particularly for adolescents.” In this sense, tech companies were similar to casinos that “have developed techniques to hook gamblers to the point where they gamble away all their money, even money they don’t have.”

According to DailyMail:

'I consider the Trump administration a danger to the world,' the billionaire investor said in his speech. 
'But I regard it as a purely temporary phenomenon that will disappear in 2020, or even sooner.' Soros predicted a Democratic 'landslide' in the 2018 elections.  

'I give President Trump credit for motivating his core supporters brillaintly, but for every core supporter he has created a greater number of core opponents who are The businessman-turned philanthropist has been a consistent critic of Trump who is also in Davos, the first US president to attend since Bill Clinton in 2000. 

Trump found a softer way to package his 'America First' agenda he strode through the conference center on his first day in Davos, calling for prosperity and 'great peace'. 

'I think the real message is we want great prosperity and we want great peace,' Trump said after holding back-to-back meetings with British Prime Minister Theresa May and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The lack of respect for local culture influenced these local conflicts to a level of terror and genocide, and this need to a "protector" made the local population to search for a safe place.
The Migration Crisis in Europe, from Middle East, was financed by USA and Israel, some banks interested in local geopolitics, influence in local investitors and environments.

Create a network with local banks and, for the lack of credibility of them, international financers and bankers.

This makes the population under control of drug dealers, mercenaries, bankers, debts, multiculturalist schools and organized crime.

New conflicts are about to come. Turkey can be a next card, North Korea is on Target. Syria has already became a conflict zone to provoke Russia and Iran.

"Not for the first time there are dire warnings of a direct US-Russia confrontation in Syria that could escalate, in the worst case, into a third world war. What is going on has echoes of the proxy conflicts fought by the superpowers during the latter stages of the cold war, but with added elements of risk because the accepted rules and formal channels of communication to a large extent no longer exist."

Russia’s objectives in Syria have been clear from the start of its overt military intervention in September 2015 (even if the US and some of its allies refused to see them). It is true that as a longtime ally of Syria since cold-war times, Russia feels a certain loyalty to Assad. It is true, too, that it sees Syria as a place where it can regain some of the influence the Soviet Union had in the Middle East. But these considerations have always been secondary to its determination to keep Syria together as a unified state. To Moscow, Iraq and Libya stand as models for what Syria must be helped to avoid. Russia’s loyalty was only extended to Assad as he was the one person able to keep Syria together. Had a single opposition force emerged, Russia might well have left him to swing in the wind. But the opposition has never been united enough to present a credible alternative – even with the help it received from the US and others. Moscow has put pressure on Assad to accept elections and some form of power-sharing, but the military conflict must be over first. Its priority remains the unity and governability of Syria.

The US position, in contrast, looks inconsistent, to put it politely. While Barack Obama was president, the US supported a variety of opposition groups, and insisted – though the then-secretary of state, John Kerry, showed some flexibility – that Assad’s departure was a precondition for any settlement. Combating Isis was both part of the same purpose and distinct. It was thought that the election of Donald Trump could presage a sharp change in Syria policy. On the one hand, his hope of improving relations with Russia suggested the possibility of a settlement jointly underwritten. On the other, Trump had pledged to keep the US out of foreign wars and seemed not to regard Syria as a vital US interest. It seemed possible that the US would stand by as Assad capitalised on his victory at Aleppo and hastened to reassert control over the rest of the country. The US policy change, though, never really happened. The rapprochement with Moscow never even began, because of the hue and cry against Russia in Washington. Trump decided – or was persuaded – to enforce a “red line” that had been Obama’s, not his, and launched an air strike on a Syrian government airfield in response to evidence of a chemical attack on civilians. US support for rebel groups continued, to the point where the Syrian warplane was shot down by US forces last weekend. At the very least there are mixed messages here.



At the end, there is a globalist agenda in everyway, socialist or neoliberal, Trump or Hillary were both a puppet of the globalist agenda. Trump was before a showman, he was involved in TV shows, businessman, sexual scandals and involved with the richest families in the world, it's a very good trick to media control under the circumstances of manipulate the world to a socialist agenda. The globalist Fabian agenda needs the capitalism and the environment under the control of the bankers, to keep the population slaves of the debts.

Freedom of speech and press is just a lie, to people belive that it's all under the democratic control.

George Soros was provoket at the new New World Order, when the idea was to finance the socialist State concentrated in the phylantropic societies and economic murdering, creating an expectation to a peaceful world.

For Trump had been a puppet before and maybe, he got an idea of which step to follow right now.

According to the SputnikNews:

Wall Street hedge fund manager and financial analyst Mitch Feierstein claims that Donald Trump came to power just in time to prevent billionaire George Soros and Bill and Hillary Clinton achieve a Trans Pacific free trade deal hidden from the public.  

President Donald Trump came to power just in time to prevent billionaire George Soros and Bill and Hillary Clinton achieve a Trans Pacific free trade deal hidden from the public, Wall Street hedge fund manager and financial analyst Mitch Feierstein told Sputnik. 

“George Soros and Clinton Inc. were nearly able to declare ‘Mission Accomplished’ on their vision of establishing an opaque ‘New World Order’,” Feierstein, a hedge fund manager who has spent 38 years working in the New York, Tokyo and London global financial markets, said on Tuesday.

In a part, both globalist extremists, under phylantropic peaceful investments, socialist agenda or liberal conservative and neoliberal agenda, or fabian socialist UN agendas, also the PNAC are interested on make the world under a leader government, not natioanlist, but under a world army financed by international banks and business companies capable to supress the civilitaion to their needs.

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