sábado, 6 de janeiro de 2018

Who the real globalists are

Brazil is the "time ball" now.
Land was always an experiment of worlwide politics and international government and freemasons. Explored in prostitution, new diseases, economics, etc. Nowadays, the country is bankrupt.
Politicians are involved in global schemes of globalism, international communism and  even the right wing ones, with the american way of life.

War on terror was an excuse to invade middle east and appropriate their resources. North Korea has many of the Uranium they need, because the biggest reservers of Thorium (read this) are settled in North Korea, as the oil was in Iraq and in Brazil the Niobium.

Now country is divided into two views, the conservative ones, involved into worldwide global politics and liberal economy, and left wings, involved into communism and international movements of mutual help. Both globalists...

They accuse Russia on being the leftist wing, international enemy of the natioanlism, but who are into 'worldwide protection', who internationalized the money, creating the need of everyone to use? Who invaded the other's lands when the neocolonialism, even cold war, had already finished?

This world elite comes from rich families, originating from Europe's west, based in desert spiritual model of metaphisics and religion, spreading all over the world as the one and only truth, and the need of influential thoughts into society as behavioral and cultural.
Breaking the idea of nationalism, love for the country, or using this as a paradoxal axiom, spawning a enemy side as they, obscurely, produce the same idea of enslavement.

Be nationalist, be autonomous...

There's  country that most corrupted nations to make the earth inhabitants under their control, starting to the need of comsumpting it's own money. They used the influence of international organizations like the World Bank, They Royal Institute of the International Affairs, Council of Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Comission, Bildeberg Group, United Nations, NATO, non governamental organisms, with the intention of subjulgate the massess by the corporations, needs of comsumption, need for the basic needs such as food, water, clothes. Enslavement by religion. The prostitution, drug spread, etc.

This government is ruled by the same small group of an elite that ruled for a long time. This elite is descends of kings, world monarchs, bankers, robber barons, priests, warlords oligarcs, and media representatives. These are the architects and instigators behind the formation, information and implementation of this order.

The world is desired to become a feudal state again, ruled by these few involved.

We live under a legislation of social democracy, even based on costumes, the legal basis protect the ones who are involved into this agenda. The poor education and the failed economy, economic assistance, philantropy and the media covert are a model of destablization of society and continuity of this politics.

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