sábado, 10 de março de 2018

Here it comes: Bilderberg in 2018 and Trump's Trap for the Shadow Government

Bildeberg Meating 2017, the secret meeting that dictates the rules of the whole world and it's environment and new wars. The Fabian Society counts, since 1954, with some of the leaders of the worldwide corporations, nation states and intelligence agencies that controls the next steps for conflicts and utilization of political resources in other nations, alies or enemies nations.

The 2017 meeting in 2017 discussed about the:

  1. The Trump Administration: A progress report 
  2. Trans-Atlantic relations: options and scenarios
  3. The Trans-Atlantic defence alliance: bullets, bytes and bucks
  4. The direction of the EU
  5. Can globalisation be slowed down?
  6. Jobs, income and unrealised expectations
  7. The war on information
  8. Why is populism growing?
  9. Russia in the international order
  10. The Near East
  11. Nuclear proliferation
  12. China
  13. Current events

Participants list in 2017: http://www.bilderbergmeetings.org/participants2017.html

As in 2016, China and Russia, back to the discussion. The Globalist Agenda maybe can change in the website. Also the list of invited cannot be complete, because some of the members the be anonymous.

The 2016 meeting counted on the subjects, officialized in website. 

  1. Current events
  2. China
  3. Europe: migration, growth, reform, vision, unity
  4. Middle East
  5. Russia
  6. US political landscape, economy: growth, debt, reform
  7. Cyber security
  8. Geo-politics of energy and commodity prices
  9. Precariat and middle class
  10. Technological innovation

Participants list in: http://www.bilderbergmeetings.org/participants2016.html

In 2018 the meeting is dated to June.

About the non democratical way, the meeting occurs because the bankers and midiatic control need do destablize and disrupt some traditions, like nationalism, and the decision of the worldwide destinu is done by people that are not elected.

The global media works on destroying the image of the enemies of new world order governors, like in was with Saddam Hussein, Khadafi and others that are in politics now, as Putin or Bashar Al Assad.

The banks runner foreign exchange are broken with the corporations and the borders of the coutries and the legal, supranational, power finish on destroying the mandatory legitimate govern, that is suffering the constant attacks by the global media and not supported by these big corpoations and banks.

The Chatam House rule, on the Royal Institute of International Affairs, is the main rule of the Bilderberg Meeting:
The Chatham House Rule originated at Chatham House with the aim of providing anonymity to speakers and to encourage openness and the sharing of information. It is now used throughout the world as an aid to free discussion. It Demands total sigil on the subjects of the meeting and the complete list of its participant.

The Chatham House Rule is a system for holding debates and discussion panels on controversial issues, named after the headquarters of the UK Royal Institute of International Affairs, based in Chatham House, London, where the rule originated in June 1927.

At a meeting held under the Chatham House Rule, anyone who comes to the meeting is free to use information from the discussion, but is not allowed to reveal who made any comment. It is designed to increase openness of discussion.

The submersion of Europe the worst crisis after the WWII is one of the constant catastrophe that happens after the globalist and the multiculturalist agenda. In Some of the decisions the renounce of the Spanish King, after the meeting in 2014, also the Brexit was a subject on the Bilderberg, after David Cameron renounced. Also and the maneouvers in financial transactions by George Soros and Rothschilds in the financial crisis, the privilege information on international funds.

The established system of monolitical economic, the september 11th together, supposed to be the end of the civilian society and the total enslavery and total control of the steps of civilians.

The Global Multilateral EU is not imune to the new ideology, and it's Fabial tradition consists to form the new ideology, conspiration to what is cynicaly called the "War against Terrorism", with the bombing of networkig franchising of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Iraqm happened to destablize the population with some patriotic acts, but starting the maneouver of migration and disrupt of European establishment, with the fake idea spread by media that the war has the objective to deffend the freedom and fight the terrorists, like was the capture of Bin Laden, destruction of Hussein and Khadafi and establish the democracy and equal rights.

About the international banking and finances, the ex-banker Ronald Bernard, the insider of financial world and agent in Illuminati and other secret clubs.
The agressive world banks capability on destruction of economical status, the business are done by evasion, tax fraud, money laundering as weapon and drug traffic, sex tourism, sex traffic and warfare.

The meeting in Bilderberg, Bohemina Groove and the other Illuminati people around keeps on the rule of secret societies, keeps moving on the rupture of third world people by starve, guerrilla warfare and economic break.

Many crimes about the deep state running about the military complext, all the industrial corporation and lobbist can buy and blackmail the congress and senate. The CIA government is the one responsible to the excused information can be exposed and FBI treatens Trump government by the FISA memorandum. Also the constant media attacks on sexual scandals between trump and an ex porn actress.

The Ex-CIA Kevin Shipp told that Trump is not controlled by Shadow government and has the total attack of media, not being a muppet on Establishment about the deep state and the shadow society. Trump became pariah to the secret governments that shadow society.

Trump and the Comitee of the 300 has their own globalist agenda, in that not the Fabian State, but the USA keeps ruling the whole world by it's hegemony and following the order of the post cold-war, but not with institutional state, but the American economic system, that the War of Terror broke the advancement, and Russia assumed the position of hegemony in Eurasia and China in the Asia. Globalist agenda, socialist agenda in USA and Bilderberg distablished Europe and Trump got the gap of the distablishment to have it's maneouver, but it's not according to the seniors of the world business in Bilderberg and Trilateral Comission.

The benefits of Brexit goes to USA and Israel, as the benefits of War on Syria.

For exemple the tax on steel and other mineral to prejudice China, can prejudice other countries that depends on the trades with USA, and that point, the Trumps trade and protecionsim, argument of the dameged American manufacturing industr, but the bankrupt of some local banks can be saved by money lending and bank interest rates.

Again, even not controled by the societies, Trump can help the international banks of Rothschild to accumulate amount of money and invest in industry and North American hegemony and take the American Way of Life and multiculturalism, american culture of social capitalism to worldwide, which he calls Americanism not Globalism.

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