quarta-feira, 4 de abril de 2018

Veganism: The Globalist Agenda to Support Depopulation, Dumb Society and Drug Market

Entirely vegan diets are unknown among traditional human cultures. Back in the early part of the 20th century, dentist and explorer Weston Price went looking for vegetarians, but found only cannibals. Since vegan diets in nature provide no vitamin B12 and very little in the way of usable long chain omega3 fatty acids, it is not surprising that humans have continued to eat animals and animal-derived products. Nowadays one can obtain algae-derived DHA (the major long chain omega3 fatty acid present in the brain). and supplement B12. That wasn’t possible until a few years ago, and there’s little evidence that supplementation with DHA alone is helpful for the brain.

We have been encouraged to eat more plants and less animals. Various writers have suggested it is healthier for our bodies and our planet. I have no objections to a mostly plant-based diet as long as attention is paid to protein requirements and micronutrition. However, since little things in animal products (some essential like B12, some that can be created in our bodies but perhaps not in the amounts we need, such as creatine) seem to be very important for the brain, it’s interesting to look at the literature on vegetarian diets and mental health. Here is the latest (and the best) observational study:  Vegetarian diet and mental disorders: results from a representative community survey.

It's a German study, and for a large population-based retrospective observational design, it's actually fairly thorough and sensible.  And if you are a vegetarian, it certainly doesn't say that vegetarianism causes mental health problems.  But in all but two studies done in the past, vegetarianism has been linked with higher rates of depression, anxiety, and particularly eating disorders (bingeing, restricting, and purging behaviors).  But to be perfectly honest, all those studies had some serious limitations (they were small, done special populations, and often measures based on just a few answers to general survey questions).  I've reviewed a few of them.  (My favorite has to be the one where they calculated arachidonic acid ingested to the hundredth of a gram based on data from a food frequency questionnaire, which seems very unlikely to be accurate)  I don't think it is a coincidence that the two positive studies were done by the same group of researchers in the Seventh Day Adventist population.

Seminars running late at night means there is little time for sleep, and a tired person is a more compliant person, less able to think critically. Control of mealtimes and control of the food is another way to alter somebody's physiology. Some cults don't feed their members enough, or use low-protein  (vegetarian), high sugar diets to weaken people physically.

Researchers have long known that a strict vegetarian diet -- one that excludes all animal products -- can lead to vitamin B-12 deficiency, and possibly heart disease. Now, new research suggests that even those who follow a more lenient vegetarian diet are also at risk.

They found that 92% of the vegans they studied -- those who ate the strictest vegetarian diet, which shuns all animal products, including milk and eggs -- had vitamin B12 deficiency. But two in three people who followed a vegetarian diet that included milk and eggs as their only animal foods also were deficient. Only 5% of those who consumed meats had vitamin B12 deficiency.

Vitamin B12 deficiency can boost blood levels of homocysteine, an amino acid implicated as a strong risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Studies have suggested that high homocysteine levels can promote blockages in arteries over time, possibly leading to heart disease and stroke.

On a biological level, nutrition status resulting from vegetarian diet may affect neuronal function and synaptic plasticity, which in turn influences brain processes relevant for onset and maintenance of mental disorders. For example, there is strong evidence that long-chain n-3 fatty acids causally affect risk for major depressive disorders. Moreover, although evidence is less unequivocal, vitamin B12 levels appear to be causally linked to major depressive disorders. Studies have reported that vegetarians show lower tissue concentrations of long-chain n-3 fatty acids and vitamin B1 which may elevate risk for major depressive disorder.

Few empirical studies have directly tested associations between vegetarian diet patterns and mental health. We could locate only seven studies of mental health in vegetarians which all were limited in their measures of mental health, as they were based only on self-report, and with no formal diagnosis. Moreover, participants were not broadly representativeness of the community population, because they were either adolescents, young adults, or drawn from a special population.

Read this Article and understand more my point of view:

The reason I study about the vegetarian/vegan way of life is because the fashionism on vegetarianism are involved and supported by media and propaganda and the animal defense programs that are promoted to reduce the human relations and try to promote care for animals more than for children. Animals rights are important for sure, but the propaganda behind the veganism are depopulation and dumb the society.
They are involved into a kind of control for population and tax control, but none of the leaders are involved in causes for sure, they pay and support other organs, like NGOs and social groups, involved in social disturbance, and involve religion beliefs, like Buddhism or Hinduism, to link their ideals and promote more legal programs to support veganism. The association to religious beliefs and spiritual purification spawns in the person a exacerbated sense of moral and sense of justice, ahead and upon the others, making the belief of that veganism are morally or spiritually superior.
These last members are promoting fake propaganda and supporting other ideologies like feminism, disarm, socialism, drug legalization, multiculturalism or gender role and associate to extreme right ideologies those who are against them, also using stupid reasonable questions like, a percentual of diseases aquiring for those who eats meat.  
The lack of capability on discuss the problem is that the first generation really vegan are born now. The vegan promoters now are formely meat eaters. And they have aquired in the childhood the needed substancies that are good for the formation of the mental capability, inteligence and motor coordination. It cannot say that cancer are more associated to meat eaters, like a percentual of 90%, because 90% of world population are meat eaters. For sure the more meat eaters are associated to have more diseases. 
It's a constant, when we are about to check in 20 years from now, when this first born vegan generation are in their adult life and they will suffer the problems, like mental capability of slow reasoning, motor coordination, heart problems, Alzheimer's or other healthy problems, caused by no animal protein in the formation. 
Whatever, vegan way of life is linked to fashionism, fake propaganda and global control, depopulation agenda, supported and financed by the globalist leaders that finances a drug mafia of pharmacies, that are promoting the substancies by supplementation and population control, psychotropics and depression control, not by a healthy alimentation consumption, but by consumption of medicine. Most of the laboratories are from the world leaders, financers, bankers, as the studies of the bennefits of veganism are promoted by some of the leaders, like George Soros or Jim Rogers.

Read this article to understand more the point of view:

A study from the University of Graz says that contrary to popular opinion, vegetarian and vegan diets don’t make people healthier. In fact it found that vegetarians are ill more often, more susceptible to physical and mental disorders and generally have a lower quality of life than people who eat meat. They’re more at risk of cancer, have more heart attacks and are more likely to suffer from psychological disorders.

The study examined 1,320 people divided up into four groups separated by diet – vegetarians, meat eaters with lots of fruits and vegetables, people who ate relatively little meat, and people who ate a lot of it. Accounting for smoking and physical exercise, the researchers concluded the big difference in susceptibility to disease was dependent on diet.

Vegetarians, the study found, were more than twice as likely to have allergies as meat-eaters, they were three per cent more likely to contract cancer, and a massive 150 per cent more likely to have a heart attack. Vegetarians were also hit harder by 14 of the 18 illnesses monitored in the study – which included diabetes, migraines, and osteoporosis.

The researchers found substantial links between vegetarianism and psychiatric illness. But does this support the claim of the Women’s Health Magazine headline – that giving up meat CAUSES mental illness? Not at all. The researchers pointed out three potential explanations of the connection between diet and mental disorders.

  • Hypothesis 1: Vegetarians diets can cause poor mental health by affecting brain chemistry.
  • Hypothesis 2: Psychological factors such as personality traits make some people prone to choose a vegetarian life style and also predisposes them to mental health problems.
  • Hypothesis 3: The decision to give up meat is, in some cases, a consequence of a mental disorder, for example, hypochondria.

The conspiracy of vegans are a program of globalists to control population and dumb people for the future.

The Sustainability Secret” is that 51% of all Greenhouse Gas Emissions (“GHE”) come as a direct result of livestock gas emission. This statistic comes from a single non-peer reviewed report. And the report itself has numerous statistical errors. There are numerous more reliable studies which have been done and show that the number is closer to 15%. This is still a large number which needs to be investigated. But it appears that the two producers simply chose the less accurate study which helped their cause. It is ironic given the accusations in the movie that NGO’s are hiding the science that they prefer to use a study from an NGO instead of a reputable scientific journal. The Union of Concerned Scientists who are concerned about creating a safer and better world using sound science heavily criticized the statistic which was used. Most independent scientific groups still advise focusing on the primary concern, fossil fuels. Scientists are absent throughout the whole movie, with a significant amount of “facts” and “statistics” attributed to farmers, executives, authors, and environmentalists.

The Conspiracy behind Cowspiracy is that all the NGO’s are just phonies who are not truly battling for the environment and are really just sell outs to the Mega Corporations. The implication from Cowspiracy is that these environmental organizations make money from the Beef industry. This Conspiracy within Cowspiracy is groundless and unfounded. These groups have actually worked for years to prevent pollution in the livestock industry, and have actively campaigned and produced reports and findings in the industry. This was NOT presented in Cowspiracy. The main argument in Cowspiracy was that NGO’s did not do enough to bring awareness to the issue of Green House Gas Emissions produced by livestock on the basis that Livestock Gas emission accounted for 51%. They should not have “wasted” so much time on fossil fuels. However, since the original statistic is inaccurate so is the extrapolation.

Cowspiracy does well to generate awareness as to the effect of livestock breeding on climate change. However, it goes down the wrong path. The problem is not beef eating. The problem is the Beef Industry system of production and distribution. The film does not cover sustainable farming methods which have been used for thousands of years but indicates that we should all turn vegan. It almost seems to point the finger at the bovines, which waste so much water and produce so much Methane. It never explores how what they are fed by us, the two footers, increase the Methane they produce, and how concentrating them in a small area and pumping them full of antibiotics, chemicals and hormones might not be the most environmentally protective. There is research to suggest that well-managed cattle in Grassland environments actually lower the level of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, taking these gasses from the atmosphere and storing them in the soil. According to IPCC, grasslands are more efficient at storing carbon than tropical rain forests. Cowspiracy essentially chose unsubstantiated statistics, presented the worst aspects of the beef industry, extrapolated this to all meat eaters (including the indigenous peoples), and urged everyone to go vegan as the only choice to save the planet.

Possibly the most insidious elements of Cowspiracy is that Vegans are somehow elites and that ”it’s not possible to be a meat-eating environmentalist”. This is of course completely false. Many of the hardcore frontline environmentalists stem from Brazil and poorer South American Countries, fighting (and sometimes dying) for the environment long before rich white people decided to watch a movie and commit to a lifestyle of buying expensive vegan products. Many of these people cannot afford the vegan way of life. This exclusive element also ignores the cultural importance of hunting for many indigenous societies. While the current system of rearing and distributing beef cannot go on, it is important to use appropriate terminology and not to tar everyone with the same brush. The problem is specifically the way beef is produced in the U.S.

Farm prices in the United States have also been rising at a steady clip, posting double-digit gains every year since 2005, with the sole exception of a brief recessive blip in 2008. This year, a survey by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago revealed that farmland across Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Michigan has increased in value by an average of 15 percent.  These kinds of gains have some people worried the potential for an agricultural bubble, but others are quick to point out the relative security of farmland vis-à-vis unsettled equity markets and the inevitability of spiking food demand.

The animal rights movement are funded by the Globalist like George Soros to push us to vegans and not be able to eat real meat which contain the real essential nutrients like protein, Omega fatty acids, Vitamin B12 and so on; the Lab grown meat are not going to contain those essential nutrient. The Globalist knows we need to meat as well eating plant to keep healthy; they’re going keep on eating meat and eating a high fat diet because our body needs fats especially for our brain because our brain contains mostly fat. The Globalist does not want us to be healthy because want to control us to continue their depopulation agenda. If a human is healthy and able to think for themselves they will be difficult to control and hinder their depopulation agenda; that why they don’t want us to be healthy. That why the Globalist are pushing for a tax on meat. I have covered many article from other news source abut Globalist wanting to tax and them to ban us from eating meat and any animals products. This is like the boil frog syndrome method; went you try to put alive frog in boiling water the frog will jump out straight away; but when you put a frog in lukewarm water them turn up temperature slowly allow the frog to adjust to raising temperature and the frog will be cooked before frog even knew he was being cooked. That why the globalist are slowly planing through their agenda otherwise the people might get spooked and they people will wonder what going on? I put on this information because people might know what going on? This video about Jon Rappoport speaking on Infowars about the lab grown meat and the Animals Rights Agenda.

The frenzy to buy farmland in the United States has even spilled over to Brazil, where US farmers have bought up land at a fraction of the price it would cost north of the border. This prompted the government of Brazil to pass a law restricting the amount of foreign ownership to 25 percent per municipality. Government intervention to stop large influxes of foreign investment has increased worldwide as arable land is increasingly seen as a strategic resource, and this is a factor that should be taken into account by people investing in agricultural ETFs or companies with large farmland portfolios. Another example of land protectionism is the ‘Rural Land Law’ that passed in Argentina in 2011. This law limits any foreign ownership of land in Argentina to 1,000 hectares.

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