sexta-feira, 11 de maio de 2018

The New Illuminati Order and the strategy to take over control: enslave and decline population

The New World Order is not, and was never supposed to be, an order of men, but an order of truth, in which humanity is guided towards its own englightenment. This New Order is supposed to be a Golden Era as the Renascense once was. And, most interestingly, we're heading there, with or without these groups, as God is supreme to freewill of men. In this sense, it is wiser to be just an observer.

The Strategy of the Illuminati

The Illuminati of modern times are members of the wealthy elite from around the world, and base their body of practices in several other ancient groups related to enlightenment and gnostic practices, i.e., the Knights Templar, the Rosacrucians, the Satanists and the Druids. They've organized their values and practices according to what they found fit to serve their best interest and not so much advace spirituality or as compassionate human beings. The Illuminati, as a religious society, is formed under egoistical values and, therefore, promotes the dark side of the human soul, what is known as Kabbalah, as the tree of death. And in doing so, opposes to the ancient Illuminati, namely, the modern day Rosacrucians, Freemasons, Scientologists, Buddhists, Hindus, etc. And this is the reason why they intend to destroy all religions and unite them under their own light and rules. Politically and financially, the Illuminati belive that world governments and politic sovereignty are meant to collape, and this because they plan it through their own sub-societies, such as the Bilderberg group, and intend to replace such gonvernments.

The Bilderberg Group is rooted on the belif that "cooperation among central bankers is perfectable to "benign neglect;" discipline among policy makers is essential - both in strengthening economic fundamentals and in maintaining a coherent public stance when intervening in currency markets; regulation or controls will not work; a credible alternative to the dollar as a reserve currency is desirable" (Hilmar Kopper at the Bilderberg Meeting, 1995). In their meetings, "no resolutions are submitted for discussion or voted upon. The purpose of the debate is to present a comprehensive review of the problems on the Agenda, from which each participant is free to draw his own conclusions. It is hoped, however, that those who attend the meetings may be better equipped to use their influence to improve relations in the World. For this reason, the press and public are not excluded and neighter background papers not speeches are published" (Notice to participants in the Bilderberg Meeting of 1974).

Despite the secrecy, it is how known that the first stage of the plan is created with the manipulation of stocks and interest rates, to increase mass debt. And because most people won't be able, at some point, to pay their debts, the national banks will be bankrupted, reason why wewitness so many suddenly closing doors around the world, and mostly in the most impoverish nations of Europe, such as Portugal and Spain. Every time this occurred, people lost an entire life of savings, which disappeared from their accounts and into the 
hands of the Power Elite, the debt collectors.

Once people start rioting in the streets and massively protesting against their governments, the state of emergency will justify military intervention and the imposition of martial law. NATO and other international forces will be called to interfere until a solution is presented that will guarantee peace amonst all nations, and this solution would be the one the bankers and leaders of this Illuminati Order have designed before orchestrating world chaos, following one of their favourite quotes and Illuminati premise, ordo ab chao, which means order out of chaos.

While one may thing that resistance is possible, it's worth mentioning that many members of the Illuminati are still or have been military leaders and officials, and are not only well trained in combat but also know how to use the element of surprise to their advantage. After military takeover, the general population will be found only with two options, among which rejecting the new order can mean being inprisoned, tortured and murdered, as what we've witnessed in the story of Soviet Union, Nazi Germany and Mao Zedong's Revolution. History will repeat because the general population remains in the dark, ignorant about the facts, ignorant about how the world truly works, and unwilling to understand how to protect itself while being focused on distractions that oppose it withing itself, such as racism, discrimination and other differentiating conflicts, that stop everyone from seeing what is happening beyond this duality, from the puppet master perspective, the same that sponsor radical demonstrations and organizations.

In their arrogance, the Illuminati leaders belive that the vast majority of the population are nothing more than dumb sheep, and, as in Communist China today, will be easily led if offered strong leadership and financial help but also if punished severely for not obeying.

Hillary Clinton, sponsored by the Banking Elite to become the next US President and push forward a world war agains Russia and other nations, quoted this plan well when saying: "We just can't trust people to make choices. The Government has to make choices for people. It's time for a new beginning. We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is the best for society".

According to several sources, the ruling families of the Illuminati order are the same that financed the Clinton's campain, namely, the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Carnegies, Mellons and Vanderbils, and will be the ones presenting the solutions to the chaotic world they are engineering. A new system of monetary exchange, based on an international monetary system and a virtual currency will be set up. There will be a one world economy and political leadership organized and protected by the same people. They belive that "one cannot have independent monetary policies, fixed rates and capital mobility; one of them - the independence of monetary policies - has to go which means one currency" (Bilderberg Meeting, 1995).

The New World Order Conspiracy

Althought most of what the Illuminati intend for thw world is already occurring, technology keeps evolving and allowing their plan to make further and more deep interventions. And so, to envision such future in the hands of this group, imagine a world there you can't buy or sell, or access public transportaion, without having a microchip implanted inside your body, which in this case allows monitoring your movements, emotions and thought patterns. Because this reality gradually coming, as nowadays, it's nearly impossible to travel without passport, which in many cases has a chip already.

Smartphnes on the other hand, as it has been proben by Wikileaks sources, allows the CIA to spy peuple via their camera even as the mobile is switched off. And what shie neas is that, in the near future, the identity and freedom of a person will be associated with how much such person obeys the system. The refusal to obey it will imply not benefiting from an ID, the freedom to travel the world or even to access a bank account. Those who oppose this system will easity be found, have their habits analyzed at distance, and then murdered in ways that makes it seem like an accident. Ad this is already occurring whith many reporters, scientists and political dissidents in current times that try to expose the plans of this Global Elite or work against them.

As human beings become more disensitized, compassion and empathy become a rare thing, even surpsising us when found animals, because it makes us feel inferior to them. But this need to control the world population isn't only selfish in itself, as the Illuminati also seek for an ideal balance between nature and mankind, and consider humans enemy of the environment. According to many scientists, the resources of the planed may end in the next thirty years. And so, to favor natural selection, the Illuminati choose to eliminate first the poorest class, which specific chemicals, like mercury in vaccines, among other deadly toxins being shipped to Africa under the disguise of humanitarian help against sidespread diseases.

Bil Gates couldn't be more clear, when during a TED conference he controversially declares: "The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great jon on the new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that be perhaps 10 or 15 percent".
Taken from:
Shadows of the Illuminati: The Religious, Financial and Political Beliefs of the Secret Government & the New World Order Conspiracy - Robin Sacredfire

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