terça-feira, 29 de maio de 2018

Pornography, Terrorism and Feminism - Holy Trinity of the Global Agenda

The expansion of computer databases on the internet has provided the greatest access yet to sexyality explicit images access by both adults and children. Cyber porn is more than naked women. Demand for images goes far beyond what can be found in a bookstore magazine rack. Pedophilia, bestiality, bondage and sadomasochism make up a majority of the images. These are images, movies and online chat that use to be only avaiable on the bad side of town but which can now be obtained in the privacy of the one's home. Home computers have become the "ultimate brown wrapper" for pornography.

Cybersex/Pornography Addiction is a specific sub-tyme of Internet addiction. Estimates suggest that 1 in 5 Internet addictis are engaged in some form of online sexual activity (primarly viewing cyber porn and/or engaging in cybersex).

Studies show that men are more likely to view cyber porn, while women are more likely to engage in erotic chat. People who suffer from low self-esteem, distorted body image, untreated sexyal dysfunction, or prior sexual addiction are more at risk to develop cybersex/cyber porn addictions. In particular, sex addicts often turn to the internet as new and safe sexual outlet to fulfull their underlying compulsive habit.

Online pornography is popular. Sexually explicit forums are the most popular areas on computer online services online porn is big business. Nearly three fourths (71%) of the sexyally explicit images surveyed originate from adult bulletin-board systems (BBS) attempting to lure customers to additional collections of cyber porn. There they can charge monthly fees and take credit card numbers for individuals images. The five largest adult BBS systems have annual revenues in excess of $ 1 million.
Cyber Terrorism and Information Warfare - Dr M N Sirohi

Law Enforcement against Child Porngraphy

The US federal Police racked up arrest after arrest for online traffikers in child pornography, working through Operation Predator (run by Immigration and Customs Enforcement) and the Innocent Images Initiatite (fun by FBI). Billy Joe Bowser, 34, and Anthony Adams, 49, of Springfield, III were notable cyber pornography predators. The two men had more than 100,000 images of child porn that included kids less than 2 years old, trading them on a chat room called "Kiddypics and Kiddyvids" using WinMX software for "peer-to-peer" file sharing. Browser received maxmimum sentence of 20 years in prison; Adams got 19 years (McLaughlin, 2000, Huges, 2002).

The governments of developed countries have already realized the urgency of problem of child pornography. Many of the cases that law enforcement deal with the multi-jurisctional, including other countries. The lack of defnitional consensus introduces varios challenges for officers as they deal with international cases. According to researches it is possible to state that there is a relation of child and adult pornography to other grave organized crimes, such as international terrorism. Child pornography industry can be a financial support for terrorists groupings and commiting terrorist acts. The transanational nature of this crime is obvious. In this connection, it is very important to develop an effective system of cooperation between varios law enforcement agencies in child pornography online investigations (Huges, 2002).
Cyber Crime and Digital Disorder - P. Madhava Soma Sundaram and Syed Umarhathab

Pornography and National Security
Jennifer S. Bryson is the director of the Witherspoon Institute’s Islam and Civil Society Project.

Pornography is not a necessary cause of terrorism. The abolition of pornography would not lead to the cessation of terrorism in the world. Terrorism existed well before graphic pornography and its mass spread via the internet.

Likewise, pornography is not a sufficient cause for terrorism. There are pornography users, even addicts, who do not become terrorists. Given how widespread the viewing of pornography is today, if the direct result of each individual’s pornography use were terrorist violence, one could conceivably argue that pornography proliferation would pose a more widespread threat to human existence than nuclear proliferation.

Yet pornography now appears frequently in the possession of violent terrorists and their supporters, including Osama bin Laden. Regarding “smut” found on captured media, in 2010, a Department of Defense al-Qaeda analyst was quoted in The Atlantic: “We have terabytes of this stuff.” Terabytes. That’s a lot of “smut.”
In seeking to understand terrorists, studying their ideas alone is not enough. We need to study and understand their minds—and in this day and age, this includes, in perhaps more cases than we are aware of, minds shaped by pornography.

Sometimes terrorists’ identification of their motivating ideologies can tell us more about who the terrorists aspire to be than who they actually are. Most significantly, if we want to understand modern terrorism in order better to prevent and counter it, we need to go beyond the surface level of what terrorists want us to believe about themselves and delve instead, to the extent possible, into the deepest levels of their actual lived reality.
Contrary to his views of 2009 and contrary to the view of other Muslims, including Muslim jurists, Abdo claimed in 2010, “Any Muslim who knows his religion or maybe takes into account what his religion says can find out very clearly why he should not participate in the U.S. military.” Abdo wrote that instead of deploying to Afghanistan, he wanted to use his time to "revive the faith of the Muslim nation." He also claimed, "I want to use my experience to show Muslims how we can lead our lives.”

Yet his words do not tell the whole story. As evidenced by Abdo’s possession of child pornography, he appears to have had interests other than—and in conflict with—just being a man who “knows his religion” or who takes his religion “into account.”

When there is dissonance of words and actions, words are not enough to explain behavior. What is needed is a comprehensive and authentic account of who an individual is. Focusing exclusively on ideology, as expressed in words, risks turning a blind eye to the internal reality of a person as expressed in his or her actions.

If we want to understand the inner workings of terrorists and would-be terrorists, we must seek to understand their entire person, including the relationship—or inconsistencies—between their words and actions. In the case of the 9/11 hijackers who visited strip clubs, and in the case of Abdo and among what seems like an increasing number of terrorists, actions include sexual perversions and pornography use that cannot be squared with what these ideological terrorists and their supporters espouse.

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Are governments doing enough to prevent the global expansion of the sex industry?

Globalization has increased human interaction around the world due to technological advances and the diminishing significance of state and territory borders. This increased interaction has required governments to cooperate more extensively than ever before to overcome some of the negative effects of globalization. These effects include global law enforcement, the illicit drug trade, global ecological problems and the increase of the global sex industry. This essay will discuss what governments worldwide are doing to prevent the global expansion of the highly profitable sex industry, in the areas of entertainment, pornography and prostitution. The entertainment industry will focus on advertising, modelling and music. The pornography industry will discuss Internet pornography, regulations and the effects of children, and the prostitution industry will focus on trafficking, sex tourism and international organisations.

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Governments and Advertising bodies around the world are finding it very difficult to control the use of sex in advertising. Many advertisers find it beneficial to use sex in their advertising as it attracts the consumer’s attention and makes them associate sex and a better lifestyle with their product, therefore increasing sales. These advertisers sometimes push the boundaries and create ads which can be seen to be indecent, sexy, and sexist. It has been widely accepted that sex in advertising needs to be controlled to protect public morals and the integrity and effectiveness of advertising. The control of this situation is difficult because society’s values and attitudes in different countries are constantly changing and therefore hard to define. If governments create regulations, they then impede on the freedom of advertisers. Government regulation limits “the rights of advertisers to communicate with the public…to receive information about products.” Due to these reasons many governments do not regulate on advertising but rely on self-regulating bodies.

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See that Latinas are one of the most atractive women by it's bodies, and Brazi has a great sexual tourism, that is explored by local authorities, majors, ministers and in other cases by governors and also in federal sphere.

There were cases that tax insention to prostitution houses, to support more of the sexual tourism and when businessmen are interested on close business, the major part of the business are promoted with the promisse of a sexual act.

Arabs are involved into sexual interest in business too, in general sheiks are able to buy women when they are interested to put their hareem. It's a normal action on states that are not ruled by moral values, but by imediate actions and interest on gaining favours.

The use of sex in advertising can cause negative effects on children. In one survey, it was discovered that “children watch more than 1 300 hours of television annually, which resulted in exposure to over 20 000 commercials.” When advertisers use sex in their ads as a technique to increase sales, it can become confusing and misleading to children. Children could grow up associating sex with products instead of sex with love, and it may also increase sexual activity among the young. This would lead to more unwanted pregnancies, more STDs and more children with self-esteem issues over body images. Governments worldwide should prevent this type of advertising from existing and expanding. They could do this by limiting these commercials to late night television, create financial disincentives to advertisers and force TV networks to comply with government regulations.
In the age of globalization, pornography has moved behind closed doors. Legal sites involve subscription fees and require commercial identification services; these are sometimes provided by ISP’s. Research by Caslon explains that sexual acts without consent such as rape, bestiality and child pornography to young men and women can be linked to sexual aggression. This has provided grounds for real concern. In 1997, the Minister of justice in Canada was given the power to minimise child and violent pornography. This was done with the help of ISP’s, along with the identification of persons that indulge in such material. These people identified are then banned from the Internet and given penalties such as, fines and imprisonment.

In regards to Internet pornography, the best form of censorship is done at home. Filter programs such as Cyber Sitter or V-chip have a list of trigger words which block access to sites that include these words. This is because at best, ISP’s are just a distribution medium and do not input or have editorial control in Australia. Internet service providers in Australia are only bound to provide bandwidth and disk space regardless of content, as information and material flows over it. Australian law states that an ISP can not knowingly provide material of a graphic or illegal content, although this is hampered by the fact that it only applies to material stored on Australian systems. ISP’s are responsible for restricting sites to children with the programs mentioned above, however they are not designed to be censors.

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Use of Feminism to prevent pornography is a ambiguous strategy, embracing both global causes. They use feminism to support a probable rape culture male and also put the men as a possible predator and put the idea that women can be individual, with no need of a man or a family. By the ther side, pornography puts the mind of they humans into a predator form of pleasure need, that's why many NGOs that are anti-pornography, spread the idea of feminism, also are involved with sexual forums.

Onion, 4chan, also AVAAZ, of Soros, Xvideos, Xhamster, Ashley Madison are exemples of websites that recruit people and put their data into a database that can control the access and the type or pornography. When you search at google a kind of image, you inform google about your sexual preference, your sexual fetishes. When you go to a news site, the free propaganda shows sexual products related to the researches you did before.

Feminism is a hypocrate form of moral values, but the feminism are involved into reverse pornography and the denial of the society needs, that is family, identity and autonomy. The idea of spread of independent moms, lesbianism and gay agenda, even in schools, shows that feminism and pornography are involved in the same agenda, but in different moral ways.

Feminism and globalism — The hidden agenda

Femen ‘ladies’ were recruited from the model circuit. It’s an old trick, put a model on centerstage, for sure she will glue around her a bunch of feminists, man-haters, lesbians and manginas looking for the same, all the circus. In a sense I’m glad that the feminist agenda has sinked to such lows, they are exposing what truly they are.

See the connection? TRUMP MUST BE STOPPED - PUTIN MUST BE DEFEATED. So globalism is using feminists to create civil unrest. Why? because that gregarious thing, also called sheep belonging. Only problem ladies, the flashing tits act doesn’t have any impact anymore in this year 2017. Nor the pubic hair act, moreover if performed by an old aunt. So, here comes the Gender Gap. That’s the carrot to make women at large to engage the movement. But make not mistake. When you see a lady flashing het tits with an ad about Gender Gap, in reality she is pushing the globalist agenda, nothing more, nothing else. She may think flashing tits will get her extra money, it won’t happens, sorry to burst this gigantic bubble, the party is over.


Billionaire George Soros gives $246million to 100 groups behind the 'Day Without a Woman' protest

Billionaire businessman George Soros has reportedly given $246million to multiple groups behind the Day Without a Woman protest.

Conservative think tank Media Research Center says the liberal hedge-investor gave funding to 100 out of the 544 partners supporting the women's cause between 2010 and 2014.

Contributions were given to organizations such as Planned Parenthood, Human Rights Watch, the Center for American Progress, with the top recipient being the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) who received $37.3million.

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Why are jihadis so obsessed with porn?

According to NSA documents made public by Edward Snowden’s leaks, countless “radicals” have called for Jihad by day but watched porn by night. One damaging piece of evidence shows a “militant” using “sexually explicit persuasive language when communicating with inexperienced young girls.”

It’s easy to imagine pornography’s empowering effect upon would-be jihadists, who may unable to afford the price of a wife or a prostitute, who are young, without normal sexual outlets and already predisposed to violence towards women — and to pedophilia.

Yet, while most of the Muslim world is profoundly sexist (and while porn is everywhere there, too), few Muslims approve of porn. Indeed, its leaders often castigate the West for exposing women in a sexually explicit way.

Mia Khalifa quit porn because of death threats from terrorists

Former adult film star Mia Khalifa has revealed she left porn because she received death threats from terrorists.

The Lebanese-American influencer and social media star said she received threats from the so-called Islamic State (or Daesh), with some messages even threatening decapitation.

"It all started to spiral out of control when the death threats from ISIS started coming in. That's when I stepped away," the 25-year-old told disgraced American cyclist Lance Armstrong on his podcast Forward this week, as reported by Daily Star.

Child Porn, Sex Trafficking Funding Terrorism

According to the FBI, the problem is real—and growing worse. Child pornography is the fastest growing type of smut in America’s booming $13 billion industry, generating more revenue than the NFL. Child pornography circulation exists, not only on American soil, but also globally. And news media shined a bright light on this truth after raids on Osama bin Laden’s compound revealed profuse amounts of pornography.

Terrorists and extremists not only use pornography, they profit on it. According to Nassif, Muslim extremists use child pornography to encrypt their messages and use pornographic websites to fund terrorist activity. Many of these extremists are highly educated Ph.D.s, communicating via websites with intelligence agency-level security.

Indefinite numbers of women and children involved in the pornography industry are victims of human trafficking. Indeed, Robert Peters, president of Morality in Media, says: “The proliferation of hardcore adult pornography on the Internet and elsewhere is contributing to the demand for prostitution and thus, [the demand] for women and children trafficked into prostitution.”

As exploitation funds terrorism, many, including the U.S. government, consider human trafficking a form of terrorism in and of itself. Nassif reflects on the Global Report on Trafficking in Persons during the Bush administration, which rated nations on how they were combating human trafficking.

“For a nation to be on the report was a disaster,” Nassif recalls. “No one wants to be on the report. The key is public pressure. When you link them to something that sounds so horrific ... you’ll get the public opinion against them.”

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Terrorism is using low self-esteem as lonewolves. Many of these soldiers that are recruited in forums are obssessed with images of militaria, good imagery of weapons and the capability of changing the world by an ideal.

Together this low-self-esteem, there is a need of being accepted by society as a normal man, for exemple a fat boy that want to have sex with the cutiest girl.

This break of the moral values of the society makes the pornography of rough imageries of sex seems normal, and the spread of a jihadist propaganda of inferiority of women, seems normal to these low-capability nerds of thinking by theirselves.

Unfortunately government, feminists, NGOs etc, blame on jihadists the spread of rape culture and mysoginist actions, but it's a lack of control of parents at first, it's a cultural form of social coexistence.

Religion is a drug on that, the conservatives nowadays spread the idea of jihadism as a problem for the mysoginism, but it's a seed that comes from the judaism. In Torah and Talmud, the women are very inferior to men, are like devil's creation. Christianity kept this evil work and the result was the medieval persecution of women and the Malleus Mallericarum, a book that showed how to torture and treat women.

So, don't belive when a christian comes with moral values explaining that women and men are equal, because the monotheism are the real root of the pornography and mysoginy. Christians are the most people involved into women agression daily and they belive that their gospel are over the laws and constitutions.

Also, jews and christians are the most involved in porn industry, porn directors and the prohibition of pornography in Islam, makes the muslims very involved with pornography whey they are out of their countries. Involved in secular marriages but keeping the rule of the poligamy or obligation of the women to follow their rules. Like the jews with non jew women and they follow the traditions of Torah Leviticus.

See that the Vatican State is the one who covers more cases of pedophily in the world, the cardinals are involved in sexual scandals, but the investigations keep on the Vatican and with the high council, not permiting to international police to investigate, and some of the national policies are stopped by the high council of Vatican.

Christian non-catholics are involved in many cases of sexual abuse, because of the brainwash that makes people belive that the sheppard can have the right of some more actions that they cannot do in intimacy of home. In many cases, there are cheating and also abuse of children, are common, specially in thrid world countries and neo-christianized colonies, like in Africa, that they have a culture of menstrual cycle and influence of the pagan gods in their lives, and christian uses it to promote abuse and sexual trafficking.

The book of the Protocols spread the idea of:

Take all prayer and Bible instruction out of the schools and introduce pornography, vulgarity, and courses in sex. If we can make one generation of any nation immoral and sexy, we can take that nation. - The moral values are not being taught in schools anymore. They are using gender roles, parties ideologies and leftists ideas. Not religion, but history, not prayers, but anthems, not christianity, but moral ando social values. Respect. Education comes from home, but teachers nowadays have the rights to educate your children.

Completely destroy every thought of patriotism, national sovereignty, individualism, and a private competitive enterprise system. - Individualism was destroyed with internet in schools. Everybody has a group that can be incontact with colleges and teachers. This happens to have lot of sexual harassment between teachers and students and the cases of pedophilia had grown more and more.

Circulate vulgar, pornographic literature and pictures and encourage the unrestricted sale and general use of alcoholic beverage and drugs to weaken and corrupt the youth. - The idea of sexual education not as educative for teenagers, but to spread homosexuality in teenagers as a choice. Spread the idea of everyone has the right to use drugs to experience at least one time and the parents have no autority because life belongs to the ones who lives it.

Karl Marx was into the subversive idea of disrupt the mind of chilndren, involve them into sexual initiaion, practic that was common on Maoist China, Kim Jong Un North Korea, and Cuba, also other nations that were involved into leftist government, like Burma, Vietnam and Tailand.

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Terrorists Using Porn Pictures, Ebay Listings to Coordinate Attacks, Claims New Book on Mossad

Terrorists have developed several new techniques to communicate with each online by leaving coded messages on websites like eBay and Reddit.

This is according to a new book, Gideon’s Spies: The Secret History of the Mossad.

Terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda are now using a technique to encrypt its messages in goods offered for sale on eBay, say code-breakers

Meanwhile, Israeli intelligence officers who spent time tracking the Internet message board Reddit found more than once, that a terrorist used hexadecimal characters and prime numbers as code.

After the messages were decoded, they sometimes indicated an attack was being planned or even about to happen.

Terrorists are even hiding messages in ‘X-rated pornographic pictures which conceal documents and orders for the next target,’ one intelligence source told author Gordon Thomas.

Some intelligence agencies such as Mossad and MI6 have recruited linguist specialists in Arabic, Urdu and Pashto to translate the online magazines that both al-Qaeda and ISIS are publishing with instructions.

They’re looking to infiltrate a message about a planned attack before it takes place.

Cyber units worldwide are becoming increasingly important in the fight against terror.

A number of the most skilled cryptologists in the Mossad unit for example, have mastered steganography, how to conceal secret information within a digital file.

Cryptologists have the ability to explore an area inaccessible to the search engines of Google, Yahoo and Bing called the dark side, or dark web.

This no-go zone contains billions of Web pages and is estimated to be 5,000 times larger than any other on the Internet.

By working with together, intelligence agencies hope to prevent future attacks.

When an attack appears imminent in a particular country, Mossad sends details to that nation’s intelligence service’s cybercommand.

Is there a link between porn and terrorism?

Is there a link between pornography and terrorism? If the US’s National Security Agency is to be believed, as early as 2008 a probe into the porn viewing habits of terrorists revealed that coded messages were being sent through porn videos.

Indian agencies point out that porn gangs do not depend on terror networks. However terrorists have very often relied on pornography to send out coded messages between their associates. What is even more shocking that in most of the cases across the world, child porn is the most used medium to send out coded messages.

In 2006 UK officials arrested a man with plenty of child porn material. During the course of the investigations it was found that he used to preach at a London mosque. It was found that each of the clips that he circulated contained a coded message relating to terrorism.

Indian agencies point out that international terror groups which have an interest in India too have used several such tactics to communicate. It is done either through porn videos or plain movie clips. Sometimes a message is encoded in an ordinary photograph of a film star. However such clips cannot be sent out to anyone and everyone. It is always between two associates who have trained together and then split up for an operation. They only would understand and read the codes since they would have trained specifically for the purpose.

However, the primary concern for the Indian agencies is social media. Coded messages, both text and video, have been sent out through social networking sites including Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.

The NSA handled this subject very differently. The agency basically had a two pronged strategy. While it kept a close watch on what was being shared on the porn space on the internet, the other agenda the NSA undertook was more like blackmail. The NSA through its snooping programme targeted Sunni radicalisers who viewed porn. They kept tabs on their porn habits and the intention was to embarrass them in public.

ISIS kiddie-porn and sex slaves; ‘Porn driven losers, low self-esteem’

As New York Post reporter Phyllis Chesler cited, when members of the US Navy SEALs raided the Pakistani compound that both housed and protected al-Qaeda leader Usama bin Laden, the Navy special ops team “found a fairly extensive stash of modern pornography in his possession.” As it turns out, not only was the now decomposing carcass that once was Usama bin Laden the only aficionado of pornography involved in the global caliphate movement, police raids of terrorist cells in recent years conducted “in the United Kingdom, Italy and Spain have yielded countless images of hard-core child pornography.”

Even in recent weeks, the now dead jihadists who participated in the Paris Massacre not only enjoyed porn, they were big fans of kiddie porn. As police investigators searched the laptops of Amedy Coulibaly and Cherif Kouachi for evidence, it was uncovered that “both kept child-porn photos on their laptops, which included ‘sickening pictures of young boys and girls involved in sexual acts with adults.'”

Despite the hard core Islamic purist streak that is common among jihadis, Kelli Morgan of Fox News reported that the Islamic Republic of Pakistan actually leads the world in online internet pornography searches. According to Google, Pakistan ranks No. 1 on the planet for “searches for pornographic terms, outranking every other country in the world in searches per person for certain sex-related content.”

Pakistan is top dog in searches per-person for “horse sex” since 2004, as well as “donkey sex” since 2007. “Rape pictures” between 2004 and 2009, “rape sex” since 2004, “child sex” between 2004 and 2007. Since 2009, “animal sex” since 2004 and “dog sex” since 2005, according to Google Trends and Google Insights, features of Google that generate data based on popular search terms.

Pakistan also recently was just bumped for the number 1 spot for searches for “sex,” “camel sex,” “rape video,” “child sex video.” There were also a handful of other search engine inquiries that common decency deems too crass to be published here.

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Why do jihadists hate women but love pornography?

Skewed ideal of masculinity

So what is a young man to do when he has bought into the ideal of masculinity sold to him by the media, but has no outlet to express this masculinity.

He cannot be socially dominant through violence because violence is not tolerated and will get you in prison.

He cannot become a celebrity because there are only so many celebrities that even a culture like ours can sustain.

He cannot become wealthy because such opportunities are still limited to only a few lucky ones, often despite talent and hard work – the last few years since the financial crisis have put rest to the myth of economic meritocracy in our society. He will be lucky to get a normal job. But, as “luck” would have it, he can still be abusive towards women. That is still something that our society tolerates.

Enter the resurgence of misogyny that we have seen in recent years, from the Twitter trolls that hound women with death threats any time an intelligent woman has an opinion on the television to mass shootings. The logical conclusion of the problem of the young man left behind is the emergence of social phenomena like the ‘pick-up artist’ movement, which regards women as little more than a hunter would regard a fox, and attributes to half of the world’s population just as much agency and personhood. Women, in this frighteningly prevalent ideology, are nothing more than objects of sexual interest for “real men” and are the prize a man will inevitably gain if he “plays” the right game of psychological and emotional abuse on his victims, often complete strangers.

But nowhere is there more scope for a man to be “manly”, which also includes the abuse of women, than in a war. And there is no war like “holy” war. Pick-up artists everywhere must stand in awe of what the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) “lads” have achieved. Forget silly one-liners in the hope of a one-night stand. Grab a Kalashnikov, move to Syria, and get yourself a bunch of underage sex slaves. This is not to dispute the complex entwining of causes, ideological, socio-economic or geopolitical that gave rise to the monstrosity that is ISIS. But nor can there be any doubt about the prevalence of the maladjusted young man among the ISIS ranks, and indeed the attitudes of these people towards women.

Extreme sexual behaviour

A recent report has indicated that ISIS fighters are engaging in some extreme sexual behaviour. This should not come as a surprise as even pornography was even found in Bin Laden’s compound when he was captured by Navy Seals and we have all seen CCTV images of 9/11 hijackers in strip clubs days before the attack. More recently, Edward Snowden exposed how the National Security Agency (NSA) was fully aware of the hypocritical relationship between radical preachers’ public image and their private pornographic habits with at least two radical preachers grooming underage girls online.

Fighters are attracted to ISIS for a wide number of reasons. Some may be ideologically driven militants who want to establish an Islamic state. But many others are social outcasts who are not all religious but join for the same reason as young men join gangs in LA and commit horrible acts – they want to belong. Many from the UK and other Western countries fit this category and have a history of petty crime, drug dealing and broken families.

Like in many other things, ISIS is the ugly symptom of some really rather ugly realities. And not just in the Muslim world – our young men have been seduced by this ideology. But the problem of the young man does not seem to be going anywhere any time soon, and it is imperative that we recognise it. There are no obvious or easy solutions to it, but we must start thinking about it, sooner rather than later. Until we do, there will always be some kind of ISIS fantasy somewhere in the world.

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