segunda-feira, 11 de junho de 2018

Obama - The Puppet Brzezinski - Trifecta of the Trilateral, Council and Bilderberg

The Brzezinski Plan for Russia

The leaders in Moscow have Zbigniew's number - he has been ranting against them for fifty years and more. They are well aware of the existence of a Brzezinski Plan, a confidential design to break up Russian Federation and partition of European Russia along the lines of what occurred during Russian Civil War, in the wake of World War I and the Bolshevik Revolution. I those days, the White Armies were led by figures like Wrangel, Deinkin, Kolchak and the rest, with US forces landing at Murmank. Today, the reactionary armies are led by the megalomaniac Zbigniew, who deludes himself that he can go as a victor to Moscow, where Napoleon and Hitler failed.

Brzezinski's agressive plans are notorious among Russian leaders. As the Russian government minister Ivanot remarked: "Russia has to remain strong culturally, economically and politically." he was quoted as saying by ITAR-Tass. "Othersise, the Brzezinski plan' may prove a reality. "That wire explained that the"Brzezinski plan' is a term used by the Russian political figures since at least the mid-1980s to describe alleged Western plots to destablize the Soviet Union and later Russia" (Douglas Birch, "Kremlim Powers May be Split After Putin" AT, June 26, 2007).

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Another news article related by 2002 pro-Russian forces in Ukraine "have increasingly given credence to a "Brzezinski olan" conspiracy that was first aired by Russian sources to close to President Vladmir Putin. The 'Brzezinski plan' is supposedly an elaborated concocted by a group os U.S. policy makers to overthro President Kuchma [then the president of Ukraine] and replate him with [NATO pupped] Yushchenko in a 'bloodless revolution. 'An analogy is drawn with the overthrow of Slobodan Milosevic in Serbia in octover 2000. Yuchenko's alleged allies in this plot are the two wings of radical anti-Kuchma oppositio, [Kleptocrat] Yuliya Tymoschenko, his former deputy prime minister, and Socialist leader Oleksandr Moroz. (Taras Kuzio, "Russia Gives Ukraine a Helping Hand in this Elections", RFE/RL, January 22, 2002) This is of course the scenario that played out under Brzezinski's command, with greatand continuing danger to peace of Europe and the world, at the end of 2004. The Yushchenko pro-NATO regime in Kiev was installed by November-December 2004 CIA prople power coup or color revolution cynically orchestrated by Zbigniew and Mark Brzezinski, with the help of Mark Penn.

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OBAMA: A Face Lift for Imperialism

The terms of Zbig's endorsement of his own prótege are very revealing. Obama "reconizes that the challenge is a new face, a new sense or firection, a new definition of America's role in the world," Brzezinski remarked during in interview of Bloomberb Television's and has the upper hand, "Brzezinski dismissed Hillary Clinton as totally inadequate: "Being a former first lady doesn't prepare you to be president. President Truma didn't have much experience before he came to office. Neighter did John Kennedy, "Brzeziski said. Clinton's foreign-policy approach is "very conventional," Brzezinski added. "I don't think the country needs to go back to what we had eight years ago." "There is a need for a fundamental rethinking of how we conduct world affairs," he continued. "And Obama seems to me to have both the guts and the intelligence to address that issue and to change the nature of America's relationship with the world." (Bloomberg, "Zbigniew Brzezinski Endorses Barack Obama", Friday, August, 24, 2007).

In other words, US Imperialism needs a face lift and a dose of steroids to be able to address the qestion of finally eliminating any challenger powers and attaining a permanent US-UK Universal Monarchy, the real content of the shopworn phrase, "New World Order. "Brzezinski's lates book, Second Chance, is widely viewed as the user manual for an Obama puppet regime. Here Zbig argues that there is a worldwide political awakening going on. This is true, and in the real world the content of this awakening is the demand for national independence,economic progress, modern science, modern industry, modern technology, rising standards of living, and no more IMF conditionalitics. This awakening is clearly expressed in the world-side demand for peaceful nuclear power reactors which is currently sweeping the planed, and which the Bush administrations has been powerless to block, despite their efforts at confrontation with Iran over precisely this issue. Here is Zbigniew's prescription in a nutshell:

The price of failing to implement ... [my] strategy is twofold. First eht US will spur Russia and China among others to form a rival axis of power that could tip the world toward larger imperial wars. Second, it will antagonize the emergind populist rebellion agains global ineqquality. This widening inequality is productionf "revolutionaries-in-waiting... the rquivalent of militant proletariat of the ninieteenth and twelvieth centuries... [The] politicla awakening is the now global geographic scope, comprehensive in social scale..., strakingly youthful in demographic profile and thus receptive to rapid political mobilization, and transanational in sources of inspiration because of the cumulative impact of literacy and mass communications. As a result, modern populist passions can be aroused even against a distant target, despite the absence of a unifying doctrine such as Marxism... Only by identifying itself with the idea of unviversal human dignitiy - with the basic requirement of respect for culturally diverse politcial, social and religious emanations - can America overcome the risk that the global political awakening will turn against it.

As a perspective reviewer summed it up, "Brzezinski's book is a liberal manifesto for rehabilitating imperialism. But relies on fundamental, faulty assumption that the world's nations, both great powers and war torn nations, can be led by the US as a global commoweal. "Ashley Smith, "Rehabilitating US Imperialism: Review of Zbigniew Brzezinski's Second Chance: Three Presidents and the Criiss of American Superpower, "www. dissident voice. org.). Zbig's book is thus a thinly veiled call for mor and better color revolutions and CIA people power coups on the model of those of Belgrade, Kiev, and Tifis, all stressing the rights of subject nationalities to secede from larger entities - a perfect recipe for chaos and war in the etnic labyrinth of the Caucasus and Trans-Caucasus, which the madman Brzezinski regards as one of the keys to world domination, because the potential he sees there to destabilize and dismember Russian Federation. Brzezinski's ancestors worked with the British to incite the subject nationalities of the Russian, Austro-Hunagrian and German Empires to rebel against St. Petersburt, Vienna and Berlin, not in their own interests, but rather for the greater glory of London. Now Zbigniew wants to pose as te modern Mazzini, who wanted to make Italy turbulent - which was bad for Vienna - without making her united and strong, which would have posed problems for the imperial lifeline to India through the central Mediterranean. Brzezinski's method would lead quickly to an economically depressed, improvierised and desolate world of squabbling, impotent petty states, presided over Anglo-American finance oligarchs and their all-important eastern European emigré advisers.

Naturally, Zbigniew is a fanatical opponent of Third World economic development; he once said that the US would never tolerate any more Japans in Asia - in other words, no more successful transitions from backwardness to a modern full-set eonomy. A basic tenet of counter-insurgency, is that when you are confronted with broadly supported economic and political demands, plau the card of Divide and Conquer in the form of local control, tribal, racial, ethnic, and religious divisions, etc. Zbig claims that the real goat of the world-wide awakening is "dignity". By dignity he means respect for every minute of parochai or particularist trait of every real or imagined ethnic group and sub-group. It is the kind of dignity that reduces those who enjoy it from the status of independent nations to mere ethnographic material. Such dignity as Zbig imagines can only be attained by the smallest possible political units - by the thorough balkanization, partition, and subversion of the existing national states. It is the kind of dignity the British Empire had in mind when it played the Mazzini card of natiional self-determination against the Austro-Hungarian, Russian, and Ottoman Empires. Woodrow Wilson played the same card at Versailles. This kind of dignity is congenial and comparible with Bernard Lewis Plan for carving and Barkanizing every nation in the Middle East - three Iraq, six or seven Irans, four or five Pakistans, two Sudans, multiple Lebaons, with Turkey, Syria and others mutilated and chopped up as well. Think of the current tragic status of IRaq kurds, Sunnis and Shiites and you will see the kind of dignity that Zbig is selling. Zbig obviously intents to apply this recipe in the ethnic labyring disintegration of all Rusia - a lunatic ploy if there ever was one. Another obvious flashpoint is Kosovo, where attempts to declare universal independence by the terrorist gun-runner and narcotics dealers of te KLA could come as soon as February 2008 - this month, Russia has already announced unspecified countermeasures to deal with such a unilateral declaration of independence, with is illegal under international law because Helsinki CSCE treaty of 1975, which finally put an end to World War II by fixing European borders as of the date as permanent, excpt for the changes of mutually agreed to by concerned parties. Zbig, one of the cheerleaders for the bombing of Serbia in the spring of 1975, cares as little about international law as any Neocon.

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Confirmed on MSNBC: Obama is Puppef of Zbigniew Brzezinski, Trilateral Revanchist

Any lingerinr doubts about Obama's status as an abject puppet of Zbigniew Brzeziski and the Rockefeller Trilateral Comission ended this morning when the withered mummy of imperialism himself appeared on MSNBC's Morning Joe to campaign for Obama, urged on by his own moronic daughter, Mika Brzeziknski, and Obama groupie and sycophant.

Zbigniew, a low-level Polish aristocrat whose life has been devoted to hatred for Russia, lauded Obama for his 2002 speech opposing the Iraq war, saying that he himself was the source of Obama's arguments back then - thus confirming Obama's long-term status as his pullet which probably began in 1981 - 1983, when Obama was a student at Columbia University, and Zbig was directing anti-Russian institute. The aging revanchist showed all the misogynism of his slachta origins with scurrilous attack on Sen. Clinton as mere housewife a Mamie Eisenhouwer running against a charismatic JFK played by Zbig's own Manchurian candidate, and as a woman whose foreign policy experience was worth as a little as that of Zbig's own travel agent.

Zbig, who was kept in the closet for many months during the Carter administration because of his higeous Dr. Strangelove persona, portrayed Obama as a peace candidate who wanted to end the Iraq war and usher in peace in the Middle East. Zbit is an imfamous Cold War hawk who has managed to re-invent himself in the eye of some dupes by opposing the Iraq adventure, maily because it is bad for imperialism.

Zbig aid not mention that the reason he wants to downplay certains aspects of US aggression in the Middle East is to free up resources for use in the much bigger and more dangerous adventures which the Trilateral Comission is now directing.

Zbig is the mastermind of the Kosovo secession under KLA terrorist auspices, a gambit against Serbia and Russia to prepare coming Operation Barbarossa II against Moscow. With the help of his son Mark Brzezinski, another top foreig policy controller of Obama. Zbit is also behind the new Euromissiles crisis involving US ABM installatins in Poland. Zbig is the enforcer for the new CIA policy of kiling Pakistanis (as "terrorists") without consulting the governmet of that country, a nclear power twice as big as Iran.

Most dangerous of all, Zbig is obvious mastermid of massive destabilization of China now ongoing, starting with the CIA/MI6 Tibet insurrections, which has placed the US on a coallision course with Chuna, a superpower with 1.4 billion people and Thermonuclear weapons which can strike US cities, a far cry from the helpless and defenseless targets preferred by the neocons. It is an open secret that Zbit intends to attempt a color revolution or CIA people power coup in China under the cover of the Beijing Olympics later this year. He may also make the Taiwan crisis explode. The danger of these lunatic policies are infinitely worse than anything that could ever come out of the Middle East.

Senator Jay Rockefeller and Trilateral/Bilderberger boss Joheph Nye are also actively campaning for Obama. Nye is the theoretician of "soft power", a new form of imperialism aggression based on economic warfare, subversion, deception, divide and conquer, and people power coups. They want Obama to mobilize soft power to give face lift to US imperialism.

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Brzezisnki's goal is confrontation with Shanghai cooperation Organization, the main world center for resistante to US-UK global domination.

Ant-war activists are still fixated on Iran, but Brzezinski is not - his targe is China, TWENTY times bigger than Iran, with ICBMs ready to lauch, followed by Russia, the World's biggest nuclear power. Such confused activists need to focus on shopping the next war - the final global showdown with Pakistan, China and Russia. That means rejecting Brzezinski's puppet candidate Obama (Friday, March 21, 2008).

Obama's Ford Foundation Pedigree

Obama's mother, the anthropoligist Stanley Ann Dunham, worked for the Ford Foundation (aolong with the World Bank and US AID). Obama himself worked as a counterinsurgency organizer in Chicago for the Gamaliel Foundation, a satelite of the Ford Foundation. Until 2002, Obama sat on the board of the Woods Fund, another satelite of the Ford Foundation, where he rubbled elbows with his friend, Weatherman terrorist bomber Bill Ayers. At Obama's church, a key official and spokesman is Dwight Hopkins, a Ford Foundation operative who serves as Communications Coordinator for the International Association of Black Religions and Spiritualities, a Ford Foundation sponsored global project. the new pastor at Obama's church is Otis Moss III, who attented Morehouse College as a Ford Foundation Scholar.

Obama is best understood as a multi-contractor puppet hardware from the Ford Foundation and software the Rockefeller-Trilateral-Brzezinski circles. Obama has never won public office by way of a contested election. Jay Rockefeller and Joseph Nye (Trilateral-Bilderberger) are actively campaingning for him, along with USAF Geeral Merrill McPeak, who masterminded the "bomb now, die later" genocide policy of Bush's First Gulf War ("Operation Desert Storm"), when the US Air Force which he headed singled out water purification and sewage treatment plants, caused the deaths of untold Iraqi civilians. (March 22, 2008).

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Soft Power Expert Joe Nye, North American Veep of Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg Leader Blogs for Obama

Today Senator Jay Rockefeller (Senate Intelligence Commitee chairman who backs Bush on the FISA bill) is campaining for Trilateral Commission puppet Obama in West Virginia. Jay Rockefeller is the son of the genocidalist John D. Rockefeller III, the founder of the Population Council. Jay Rockefeller is also the nephew of the late Nelson Rockefeller, and of David Rockefeller, the founder of the Trilateral Comission with Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1973. Jay Rockefeller's desperate bid to deliver the poor and blue collar voters of improverished West Virginia for the arrogant elitist Obama is likely to fail, but it should leave no doubt about whom the Wall Street banking establishment and the Rockefeller faction of the CIA are supporting.

At the same time, professor Joseph Nye, the North American Vice Chairman of the Trilateral Comission and an important leader of the Bilderberger group, is blogging for Obama and the Huffington Post, a sewer of hysterical oligarchical propaganda (see below). Nye is the leading theoretician of soft power, the new form of insidious imperialist subversion and deception which Obama is expected by his controllers to mobilize to stave off the collapse of US imperialism.

The Obama campaingn has thus far been shown to represent the Ford Foundation, the Trilateral Comission, the New York Council on Foreign Relations, the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberger Group, Skull and Bones, RAND Corporation, the Soros Foundations, the Rockefeller Family, and the Friedmanite Chicago School of Economic genocide. Obama is the Manchurian Candidate groomed and indocrinated by these financier-controlled groupings. As president, Obama whould impose a regime of crushing economic austerity and a new set of foreign wars far worse than what has been seen under Bush (March 22, 2008.).

Obama Economic Controller is Skull and Bones Member: Ausan "The Ghoul" Goolsbee, Yale '91

Obamas trifecta: Foreign Policy like is run by Trilateral Founder Zbigniew Brzezinski - Obama's Wife liked to Chicago Council on Foreign Relations

Washington DC, Feb. 3 - Barack Obama's top economics adviser is a member of super-secret Skull & Bones society of Yale University, of which George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, and John Kerry are also members, reliable sources confirmed tonight. Goolsbee is widely reported to have told Obama not to back a compulsory freeze on home mortgage foreclosures to help the struggling middle class in the current depression crisis, as demanded by former candidate John Edwards. Hillary Clinton has advocated a one-year voluntary freeze on foreclosures. Obama has offered counselors to comfort mortgage victmins as they are dispossessed, citing the "moral hazard" of protecting the public interest from Wall Street sharks.

By adding the infamous Skull & Bones secret society to his campaign roster, Obama, who bills himself as the candidate of change and hope, has attained a perfect trifecta of oligarchical and financier establishment backing for his attempt to seize the nomination of the Democratic PArty for 2008. Obama's main overall image adviser and foreign policy adviser is Zbigniew Brzezinski, the co-founder of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Comission, and mastermind of the disastrous Carter administration. Obama's wife Michelle is reputed to be closely linked to the Council of Foreign Relations. Behind the upotian platitudes dished up by the Illinois senator, the face of the Wall Street money elite comes into clearer and clearer focus.

George Will, in an October 2007 Washington Post column, saluted Goollsbee's "nuanced understanding" of traditional Democratic issues like globalization and income inequality; he "seems to be the sort of fellow - amiable, empirical, and reasonable - you would want at the elbow of a Democratic president, if such there must be, "wrote the arch-oligarchical apoligist Will.

From Wikipedia: "Austan D. Goolsbee is an economist and currently the Robert P. Gwinn Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business. He is also a Research Fellow at the American Bar Foundaton, Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and a member of the Panel of Economic Advisors to the Congressional Budget Office. He has been Barack Obama's economic advisor since Obama's successful U.S. Senate campaign in Illinois. He is the lead economic advisor to the 2008 Obama Presidential Campaign."

Obama: The Postmodern Coup: Making of a Manchurian Candidate - By: Webster Griffin Tarpley

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