Data Shed Light on Child Sexual Abuse by Protestant Clergy
NASHVILLE, June 14 (AP) — The three companies that insure a majority of Protestant churches say they typically receive upward of 260 reports a year of children younger than 18 being sexually abused by members of the clergy, church staff members, volunteers or congregants.
The figures released to The Associated Press offer a glimpse into what has long been a difficult phenomenon to detail: the frequency of sexual abuse in Protestant congregations.
Religious groups and victims’ supporters have been keenly interested in the figure since the Roman Catholic sexual-abuse crisis erupted five years ago. The church has said it has recorded 13,000 credible accusations against Catholic clergymen since 1950.
Protestants’ numbers are harder to come by and sketchier because the denominations are less centralized than the Catholic Church. Many congregations are independent, making reporting even more difficult.
Some of the numbers are from three insurers: the Church Mutual Insurance Company, the GuideOne Insurance Company and the Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company.
Together, they insure 165,495 churches and worship centers — mostly Protestant congregations — for liability against child sexual abuse and other sexual misconduct. They also insure more than 5,500 religious schools, camps and other organizations.
Church Mutual reported an average of 100 sexual abuse cases a year involving minors over the last 10 years. GuideOne said it had received an average of 160 reports a year for the last 20 years. Brotherhood Mutual reported an average of 73 reports of child sexual abuse and other sexual misconduct a year for the last 15 years. Brotherhood does not specify which victims are younger than 18, so it is impossible to accurately add that to the total cases.
The companies did not produce supporting documentation or a way to determine the reports’ credibility.
Reports of abuse do not mean guilt and do not necessarily result in financial awards, the companies said.
Amish in crisis as father faces trial for 'decade of sex abuse'
A married Amish man has been accused of sexually assaulting six girls, one his cousin, in a case that has plunged his insular community into crisis.
Over ten years, Chester Mast is said to have abused victims aged from five to 15.
The father-of-two, whose wife is pregnant, has denied allegations including incest, rape and sodomy and will stand trial later this year.
The case has thrown the spotlight on the U.S. Amish community after it was revealed that elders spent six years moving the 26-year-old around in an attempt to cure him, during which time he apparently continued his abuse.
Relatives had long suspected the apprentice carpenter, but called in police only when the scandal threatened to tear apart their community.
Asking for outside intervention is rare among the deeply religious congregation, which prefers to resolve disputes internally.
Mast's community is made up of 70 families and has been in Pike County, Missouri, since the 1940s.
They speak a Germanic dialect known as Pennsylvania Dutch, travel by horse and cart and survive by farming.
The town is 'Old Order', which is the most conservative type of Amish settlement.
Electricity is banned and residents have no access to cars, telephones, televisions or the internet, which they fear would destroy their simple way of life.
The Amish are a 250,000-strong sect, mainly descended from Swiss religious Mennonite groups who began migrating to the U.S. in the 18th century to avoid religious persecution and compulsory military service.
Mast is said to have committed his first attack when he was sent north to Wisconsin to become an apprentice carpenter with his uncle in 2004.
He allegedly raped a 13-year-old relative claiming it would cure her stomach ache.
He was sent away from the community, but later returned. Last year, he was excommunicated again after fresh claims about his sexual conduct. Again he returned.
Further concerns prompted him to be sent away for the third time earlier this year. Only then did the community turn to the Sheriff's Department.
During his excommunications Mast is said to have continued his abuse, including targeting girls who were not Amish.
'We seen this coming for years,' said Noah Schwartz, one of Mast's uncles.
'The church worked desperately to get behind him, but it was a lost cause. I don't think we realised the seriousness of the crimes.'
The decision to turn Mast over to the police has split the community, however, with some still believing he should be dealt with internally.
According to other elders, Mast has admitted his crimes to them during a ritual reconciliation with the church. But when he appeared in a conventional court, he pleaded not guilty.
For some, this means he is no longer an Amish, not because he stands accused of being a paedophile but because he has lied.
'Chester is lying, and that's worse than the sex crimes, because no sin is so bad that you can't recognise it and take total responsibility,' said Mr Schwartz, 60.
'We tried to work with it ourselves,' admitted Joseph Wagler, the bishop for a neighbouring church.
'We punished him, and he owned up to it. If he's going to act like this and not admit it in court, he's still going to have to answer to God.'
Church of Satan tells followers ‘Christians love paedophilia’
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It’s not often followers of our infernal master, Satan, get to take the moral high ground, but the Church of Satan has done just that on the subject of child abuse.
The Church – based on the teachings of Anton Lavey – pointed out that child abuse is specifically forbidden in Lavey’s Satanic Bible. It is not forbidden in the Bible, the Church claims, and various Christian churches have been dogged by paedophile scandals over decades, Newsweek reports.
? Christians ? love ? pedophilia ? — The Church Of Satan (@ChurchofSatan) November 14, 2017
Child abuse is directly forbidden in the 11 Satanic Rules of the Earth. Christians however have been abusing children for centuries. They own this. — The Church Of Satan (@ChurchofSatan) November 14, 2017
Commenting in the wake of the Roy Moore scandal in America – where Christian pastors endorsed the candidate despite abuse allegations, the Church said on Twitter, ‘Christians love paedophilia.’ Moore has been accused of sexual misconduct with two teenagers when he was in a man in his 30s.
The Church maintains a highly active and witty Twitter account which has more than 125,000 followers. Reverend Paul Antony of the Church of Satan told Newsweek, ‘Many of the people coming to the defense of Moore decry the horrors of moral relativism but then equivocate when one of their own is cruising shopping malls for underage prey.
‘Many of the comments we see from Christians even take the allegations as a given and excuse his behavior through the teachings of the Bible.’

Children of the ONA
Those who are of our kind – those who are of the ONA – are those who are pledged brothers and sisters. This means that they strive to live by our Code of Kindred Honour, that they accept our five core principles/traditions, and that they seek to implement and achieve the Goals, Aims and Objectives, of the ONA as outlined in our Guide To The Culture and Sinister Ethos of the ONA. Our code of honour means that we take responsibility for ourselves and for those to whom we have given a personal pledge of loyalty. This personal pledge of loyalty by its very nature includes our own children, and means that we will not only nurture them to be healthy, strong, self-reliant, individuals capable of defending themselves, but also fiercely protect and defend them, if necessary by the use of lethal force, and seek vengeance – according to our kindred code – should anyone harm them. Thus, we rely on ourselves, and if necessary also on our kinfolk – and do not rely upon anyone or anything else. Hence, we settle our disputes among ourselves, according to our code of kindred honour, just as the only justice we accept and believe in is our justice, deriving from our code. That is, we scorn, disdain, O9A dislike, any and all “authority”, and all laws, except our own, and accept that vengeance is a healthy and natural duty.
In respect of our children, we accept responsibility for them and for their development until they reach such an age as they are developed, mature, enough to make their own informed choices, which is generally around sixteen years of age. Before this age, we are their guardians. After this age, then and only then are they free to join us and our activities – be such activities Occult, Dreccian, Niner, or otherwise – as a result of them making their own decision and being given the absolute freedom to so choose. Thus, when they reach this age, they are given the choice, and should they choose not to pledge themselves – and thus do not accept our code of kindred honour – then our responsibility for them ends, and they have to make their own way in the world of humans.
The satanic organizations despite child molestation and in the code of honor of satanic orders, they accept the avenge for those who molest our beloved and those who are into these behaviors of destroy and disrupt social functions, children's minds and the innocence of the humans, different from christians, satanists blame the pedophiles and judge the pedophiles by natural rules and laws that dictates the earth, saving the innocence and promoting equal treatment for sexual predators that hide themselves in rules and spiritual salvation to justify their abnormal actions.
Code of Kindred Honour
Our Kindred-Honour means we are fiercely loyal to our kindred: to only our ONA kind. Our Kindred-Honour means we are wary of, and do not trust – and often despise – all those who are not like us, especially mundanes.
Our duty – as individuals who live by the Code of Kindred-Honour – is to be ready, willing, and able to defend ourselves, in any situation, and to be prepared to use lethal force to so defend ourselves.
Our duty – as individuals who live by the Code of Kindred-Honour – is to be loyal to, and to defend, our own kind: to do our duty, even unto death, to those of our brothers and sisters to whom we have sworn a personal oath of loyalty.
Our obligation – as individuals who live by the Code of Kindred-Honour – is to seek revenge, if necessary unto death, against anyone who acts dishonourably toward us, or who acts dishonourably toward those to whom we have sworn a personal oath of loyalty.
In both, theistic and atheistic satanism, child abuse is prohibited and condemned by barbaric rules of defense of children, natural laws and put to marginality the ones who are in the pathos of social behavior, confronting the laws of god's virtue with the mundane laws, the laws of the god's promotes a complete belonging of mind and body to those who representes god's figure in earth. In this logic, the promotion of Stochild syndrome in children to manage their minds to love priests, parents and other adults who are in belive to protection of in action are abusing.
In the satanic organizations, the idea is the freedom of the children to be with the ones who protect them, who care and the natural order promotes freedom of action to the sickest people who intolerates the innocence and use it as a sexual stamina, justifying their own actions. Communism and cultural marxism are promoting pedophilia, ephebophilia, hebephilia and chronophilia, endogamy and incest as common and sexual orientations that should be worked in society and the legal system to raise new rules to tolerate the actions against pedophilia (and other paraphilias) and blame the natural orders.
Satanism and Child-Abuse
Allegations have been made, and continue to be made, concerning "Satanic" child-abuse - that is, the sexual abuse of children as part of Satanic rituals, practices and beliefs.
Genuine Satanism - like all genuine magick - is a path, way or method of individual selfdevelopment. Rituals may be and often are a part of this, but these rituals all conform to certain patterns: they are all intended to aid and explicate self-understanding and development, as well as enhance and develop certain 'Occult' abilities. Naturally, some rituals and methods are concerned with the individual experiencing certain emotions and, in Satanism, enjoying certain pleasures.
However, because of the aim of Satanism - to aid the attainment by the individual of magickal and personal understanding and thus promote evolution and self-mastery - this experiencing involves a conscious choice or decision by the individual. This makes Satanism of necessity an adult path or way - for genuine Satanism, of the traditional type, is not concerned with proselytizing nor "corrupting" others without their consent. Its concern - it must be repeated - is individual advancement arising from a conscious and free decision by the individual - anything else is not Satanic as it is not magickal. This free choice is part of all genuine Occult and magickal paths:
Initiation means this free choice, the decision to begin an inner quest. When there is no free choice about the matter, there is no genuine Initiation - whatever path or way is being followed. Where Satanism differs, is in its aim, the philosophy of life and the techniques used to achieve the aim - these make it a "Left Handed Path" (when viewed conventionally).
Thus, there cannot be any such thing as 'childhood Initiation' - nor participation by children under a certain age in any genuine magickal rituals. What there can be: what there often is - in genuine Satanism at least - is the simple dedication of infants by their parents to the darker path, and this involves only the appointing of guardians to watch over and care for the child(ren): "Do you, so chosen, pledge to guard and watch over this newborn and to teach them when the teaching time is right, our ways ..." (from 'The Ceremony of Birth' in "The Black Book of Satan"). The time for teaching is when the child, in accord with Satanic philosophy, can choose for themselves - sixteen years of age or thereafter - that is, when they have attained the threshold of adulthood.
Hence, there is not, and cannot be, any such thing as "Satanic" child-abuse: there can be no childhood 'initiation', no participation by children under a certain age in rituals, and no abuse, by adult Satanists, of children. This latter is important - Satanism is concerned with the individual gaining self-mastery and self-understanding. The abuser (whether of children, drugs or pleasures) is swayed by mostly unconscious desires and impulses - they may manipulate and try to control others who are susceptible, but they cannot control themselves, or even begin to understand their 'darker' side. In short, they are weak - and generally rather pathetic - individuals, although they may hide behind a "mask" or a "role". Such people are not Satanists, but rather failures. The Satanist aspires to self-mastery, self-overcoming: to knowledge...
The popular image of Satanism is a lie - a myth invented and fostered by those who have a vested interest in maintaining it. Organized religions and under-developed individuals need such myths, as they need stereotyped enemies: for only by such means can such people and such religions survive and flourish. Many believe, with that certainty that faith and fanaticism bring, the myths about Satanism and the more general myths about ritual 'child-abuse'. I and a few others like me can present the facts - in my case about Satanism - but it needs an unbiased mind, a certain mental freedom, to consider these facts as they should be considered, and then make an informed judgement about the matter. It is this freedom which a biased, religious intolerance destroys.
The real question about Satanic child-abuse (and ritual abuse itself) is thus a question about attitude, belief and commitment to reasoned thought and debate. Long after Science showed the Earth was not at the centre of the Universe, the Church - its ministers and its faithful - continued to believe otherwise, confirmed in their certainty of faith. Do we, now - concerning this question of Satanic child- abuse - return to the Dark Age of faith, of believing what certain Church people wish us to believe to bolster their religion and rather intolerant view of the world; or do we go forward to greater understanding based on an acceptance of the facts?
These facts show that Satanic child abuse - and ritual abuse itself - is a myth.
Anton Long
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