Donald Trump, the U.S. president is promoting financing to the operations in South America of mercenaries to kidnap and murder the leftist leaders and drug traffickers to impose a geopolitical projection under the legality of mutual help between the countries' governments that support his government program and are aligned to the U.S. politics. John Bolton promoted the projection through the Mercosul Countries to receive the military supporting by the local armies.
The program is a part of military operation based on the previous Operation Condor, backed military and paramilitary action against the leftists, repressing a state-terror involving military intelligence, infiltration and assassination.
The affirmative comes when Guaidó appeared to be under the siege of Venezuelan government hijacking the media and promote social unrest in Venezuela and a migration crisis in the country. According to local media, the promotion of kidnaps make the politics to mask their own military operations and blame in the local opposition governments, with the possible murdering, also, of allied of the U.S. government, to raise a political instability.
The use of technology for the spread of anti-leftist propaganda and the contract of private publicity companies, is a strategy for the right government to promote anti-right propaganda, raising a insecure scenarium and justify a police state and military presence in South America, with the idea of protect the nation state of the international menaces of Russian presence and possible terrorist groups in South America.
Another part this operation plan of Neonconservative politics is use the private military companies in Brazil and Colombia's borders to siege the Russian mercenary presence and control the routes of the weapons, that comes from Argentina to the international weapon traffick.
Another part this operation plan of Neonconservative politics is use the private military companies in Brazil and Colombia's borders to siege the Russian mercenary presence and control the routes of the weapons, that comes from Argentina to the international weapon traffick.
The rhetoric information and fake news is a program of dialectics, where the hability of promotion of psyops and fake propaganda are spread in media by the leftist governments. This affirmative above is FAKE, totally non-logical, but readers at the first moment formulate possible scenarios in their heads. But it's a kind of disinformation that media tries to spread all the time, criminalizing right wings' actions in mask of their own actions, the finance of criminal organizations.
Trump didn't and don't hire mercenaries to the South America, but Obama and Clinton did...
If the affirmative above was promoting a possible 'mercenary action financed by Obama or leftist governments', the whole media could attack and promote a legal proccess to criminalize the vehicle.
Trump didn't and don't hire mercenaries to the South America, but Obama and Clinton did...
If the affirmative above was promoting a possible 'mercenary action financed by Obama or leftist governments', the whole media could attack and promote a legal proccess to criminalize the vehicle.
Obama financed the Islamic State, as many other leftist governments financed the criminal organizations in South America, promoting decades of terror and instability and corruption, but media hide this informations, as promoted by the left financed The Intercept and mediatic vehicled financed by the George Soros' Open Society, and promotes a victimization of the leftists to legitimate their actions.
Left wings promoted criminal activities alongside of the continent, the unification of criminal groups from Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia and Peru, aligned with international weapon and drug traffickers, promoted deacades of political stoppage and corruption and a less number of right capitalist parties in South America for two decades almost.
Brazilain parties financed a terrorist attack for the assassination of the right wing president candidate Bolsonaro. Guaidó is hijacked by Maduro's government as a criminal, illegaly the government took his political rights and civilian rights, just for think of nationalism and right politics and democracy. South American governments are all influenced by Foro de São Paulo and leftist media, that promotes cultural marxism and social unrest, and social pathologies with intention to limitate the thinking capacity of population, and than, manipulate the opinions, with the multipolarization of society in different minorities fighting legally for their own interests and not thinking collective.
The program os spread fake news is an old program promoted by governments intelligence infiltrating fake data in media and put the right wing as the enemy of society, and put on the left wing as the savior of the inner thoughts, minorities - hiding also that the greatest corruption cases in politics comes from the leftists from South America, backed by Cuban State and Foro de São Paulo, hiding in NGOs and other organisms the public money detoured from the social steps of education and public security.
This program comes from the left wing intelligence promoted by a Frankfurtian Scholar of marginalization of society and the anti-'heroe' as the messiah of the society. Where the society must not act for the collective, but go to the wrong side of the way to promote a perpetual power of the communism;
There is also a problem with social media, and the spread of terrorist and other kind of propaganda, that is hard to fight back. This promotion of the pro and anti freedom os speech is promoted by secret government operations that creates profiles to promote propaganda and search and seek the agents, or civilians, involved with extremist ideologies.
This part of the covert operations is a part of social engineering, and tthe possibility of take control of the whole media agents.

Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram are tools to use the fake news to spread over the brainwashed population causing disburbance at the mutual and human relations in society, comming to a reality, the capability of manipulate the opinions over politicians, raise hate for unequals, and create a possible enemy between society and another nation.
Other part are the private companies that are able to steal important data and private numbers to promote spread of disinformation. Stealing data of personal inscripts, e-mails, and access to credit cards and bank accounts, formulating polices for bank controlling and money lend, making, society, slaves of debts.
Use of fake news is the ultimate psyops of governments and the society is under control of musical influence of leftist financers, legally, and a law that freezes the possibility of 'rise against' for upheaval and, also, cowardly take the capability of defense with the gun control. And cowardly the criminalization of the individual thinking against the left governments.
Half of Americans see fake news as bigger threat than terrorism, study finds
Almost 70% of Americans feel fake news has greatly affected their confidence in government institutions, a new study says
s the US gears up for its next general election, half of Americans view fake news as a bigger threat to the country than terrorism, illegal immigration, violent crime or racism, according to a new study.
The 2016 presidential race was widely regarded as a wake-up call to the spectre of foreign influence, following what the US government concluded was a “systematic” Russian campaign to undermine its democratic process. But under the Trump presidency, fake news and misinformation has also grown into a new front in US political warfare.
The result, according to the study by the Pew Research Center, is that almost 70% of Americans feel fake news and misinformation have greatly affected their confidence in government institutions, and experts warn of a deepening crisis if the status quo is left unchecked.
“I think we will rue the day when we don’t step up,” Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate intelligence committee, told the Guardian in an interview. “The platform companies – Facebook, Twitter, Google – are alert to the fact that there’s a problem, and they have taken firm actions of self-policing.”
“But from a guardrails or rules-of-the-road standpoint, remarkably we’ve done nothing.”
A host of top 2020 Democratic presidential contenders have recently been the targets of content that, despite being false, has been widely shared across social media. A doctored video of the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, misleadingly edited to suggest her speech was impaired or was perhaps drunk, was disseminated by Donald Trump and ratcheted up millions of views on Facebook before the company belatedly took action to demote, but not remove it.
“The impact of made-up news goes beyond exposure to it and confusion about what is factual,” said Amy Mitchell, the group’s director of journalism research. “Americans see it influencing the core functions of our democratic system.”
The proliferation of the Pelosi videos and other falsified political content reminds us of the 2016 cycle, when rightwing conspiracy theories about Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s health and mental fitness were amplified by doctored content online. Russian-led efforts to swing the election in Trump’s favor made use of fake advertising and videos to sow discord in the US by seizing on divisive issues that included race relations, immigration and gun rights.
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s 448-page thoroughly detailed how the Russians set up fake social media accounts to spread misinformation that reached “tens of millions of US persons”.
But despite hauling executives at tech giants Google, Facebook and Twitter to Capitol Hill to testify before Congress on a handful of occasions, lawmakers in Washington have yet to take concrete action.
Facebook was criticized for being slow to respond to the altered Pelosi videos, and some questioned if it was effective to simply demote the content and make it more difficult to find.
Meanwhile several Democratic presidential contenders have had to weather their own headlines in a fake news cycle: A fake image purported to show a blackface doll on Senator Elizabeth Warren’s desk; a series of sensationalized stories circulated about Kamala Harris’s relationship with a former male colleague; and the South Bend mayor, Pete Buttigieg, was falsely accused of sexual misconduct in a story that amounted to a hoax. And we are still 18 months away from the actual election.
Sarah Miller, the deputy director of Open Markets, said it was insufficient to expect social media companies to self-regulate in an environment where their businesses were based on surveillance and data mining.
“It’s the fundamental business model of Facebook and Google to promote content that is sensationalistic and engaging, whether or not it is responsible content,” she said.
Miller said federal lawmakers must push for breaking up Facebook and reversing its acquisitions of other popular social networking apps Whatsaspp and Instagram.
“Since Facebook has monopoly status in the market, users have no power to drive market-based accountability,” she said. “If government doesn’t step in, then I don’t see anything fundamentally changing.”
“It’s a systemic issue,” Miller added, “and Congress has the authority to change it.”
Warner said there was bipartisan agreement that the social media platforms must be reined in, but he acknowledged a lack of consensus on how far to go.
Warner, who is working on legislation to address these issues, said solutions could range from regulating digital campaign advertisements by online companies such as Facebook and Google, identity validation and geo-locators to more clearly distinguish between bots and real people, and increased transparency around how consumer data is used by social media platforms.
“I don’t think anybody’s fully figured this out. I think the platforms have been very slow to react,” said Warner, while adding the Pelosi video underscored the complexity of identifying outright fake content versus altered material.
“If you simply put a thumbs down or a small icon that indicates this is fake, and you can cut out the icon and still deliver it on a wide basis, the bad guys are going to be successful,” he said.
As the US mulls a commensurate response, its counterparts in Europe have paved the way for enforcing privacy rights and better protecting consumer data through the implementation of policies such as GDPR. The European commission has also issued a warning to Facebook, Google and Twitter to amplify its tactics to fight fake news or risk being hit with more heavy-handed regulations.
Recent data shows that more than half of internet traffic comes from bots, and that the misinformation epidemic has expanded to fake polling, fake fundraisers and fake thinktanks.
Last week, Facebook said it had removed a record 2.2 billion fake accounts in its first quarter of 2019. Although the company did not attribute the fake accounts to a specific country, group or entity, Guy Rosen, Facebook’s vice-president of integrity, said: “The larger quantities of fake accounts are driven by spammers who are constantly trying to evade our systems.”
Almost 70% of Americans feel fake news has greatly affected their confidence in government institutions, a new study says
s the US gears up for its next general election, half of Americans view fake news as a bigger threat to the country than terrorism, illegal immigration, violent crime or racism, according to a new study.
The 2016 presidential race was widely regarded as a wake-up call to the spectre of foreign influence, following what the US government concluded was a “systematic” Russian campaign to undermine its democratic process. But under the Trump presidency, fake news and misinformation has also grown into a new front in US political warfare.
The result, according to the study by the Pew Research Center, is that almost 70% of Americans feel fake news and misinformation have greatly affected their confidence in government institutions, and experts warn of a deepening crisis if the status quo is left unchecked.
“I think we will rue the day when we don’t step up,” Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate intelligence committee, told the Guardian in an interview. “The platform companies – Facebook, Twitter, Google – are alert to the fact that there’s a problem, and they have taken firm actions of self-policing.”
“But from a guardrails or rules-of-the-road standpoint, remarkably we’ve done nothing.”
A host of top 2020 Democratic presidential contenders have recently been the targets of content that, despite being false, has been widely shared across social media. A doctored video of the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, misleadingly edited to suggest her speech was impaired or was perhaps drunk, was disseminated by Donald Trump and ratcheted up millions of views on Facebook before the company belatedly took action to demote, but not remove it.
“The impact of made-up news goes beyond exposure to it and confusion about what is factual,” said Amy Mitchell, the group’s director of journalism research. “Americans see it influencing the core functions of our democratic system.”
The proliferation of the Pelosi videos and other falsified political content reminds us of the 2016 cycle, when rightwing conspiracy theories about Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s health and mental fitness were amplified by doctored content online. Russian-led efforts to swing the election in Trump’s favor made use of fake advertising and videos to sow discord in the US by seizing on divisive issues that included race relations, immigration and gun rights.
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s 448-page thoroughly detailed how the Russians set up fake social media accounts to spread misinformation that reached “tens of millions of US persons”.
But despite hauling executives at tech giants Google, Facebook and Twitter to Capitol Hill to testify before Congress on a handful of occasions, lawmakers in Washington have yet to take concrete action.
Facebook was criticized for being slow to respond to the altered Pelosi videos, and some questioned if it was effective to simply demote the content and make it more difficult to find.
Meanwhile several Democratic presidential contenders have had to weather their own headlines in a fake news cycle: A fake image purported to show a blackface doll on Senator Elizabeth Warren’s desk; a series of sensationalized stories circulated about Kamala Harris’s relationship with a former male colleague; and the South Bend mayor, Pete Buttigieg, was falsely accused of sexual misconduct in a story that amounted to a hoax. And we are still 18 months away from the actual election.
Sarah Miller, the deputy director of Open Markets, said it was insufficient to expect social media companies to self-regulate in an environment where their businesses were based on surveillance and data mining.
“It’s the fundamental business model of Facebook and Google to promote content that is sensationalistic and engaging, whether or not it is responsible content,” she said.
Miller said federal lawmakers must push for breaking up Facebook and reversing its acquisitions of other popular social networking apps Whatsaspp and Instagram.
“Since Facebook has monopoly status in the market, users have no power to drive market-based accountability,” she said. “If government doesn’t step in, then I don’t see anything fundamentally changing.”
“It’s a systemic issue,” Miller added, “and Congress has the authority to change it.”
Warner said there was bipartisan agreement that the social media platforms must be reined in, but he acknowledged a lack of consensus on how far to go.
Warner, who is working on legislation to address these issues, said solutions could range from regulating digital campaign advertisements by online companies such as Facebook and Google, identity validation and geo-locators to more clearly distinguish between bots and real people, and increased transparency around how consumer data is used by social media platforms.
“I don’t think anybody’s fully figured this out. I think the platforms have been very slow to react,” said Warner, while adding the Pelosi video underscored the complexity of identifying outright fake content versus altered material.
“If you simply put a thumbs down or a small icon that indicates this is fake, and you can cut out the icon and still deliver it on a wide basis, the bad guys are going to be successful,” he said.
As the US mulls a commensurate response, its counterparts in Europe have paved the way for enforcing privacy rights and better protecting consumer data through the implementation of policies such as GDPR. The European commission has also issued a warning to Facebook, Google and Twitter to amplify its tactics to fight fake news or risk being hit with more heavy-handed regulations.
Recent data shows that more than half of internet traffic comes from bots, and that the misinformation epidemic has expanded to fake polling, fake fundraisers and fake thinktanks.
Last week, Facebook said it had removed a record 2.2 billion fake accounts in its first quarter of 2019. Although the company did not attribute the fake accounts to a specific country, group or entity, Guy Rosen, Facebook’s vice-president of integrity, said: “The larger quantities of fake accounts are driven by spammers who are constantly trying to evade our systems.”
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Socialism to be succeed must promote the corrpution of the youth by it's vices. Promote legallity in drugs and destroy the core of the relations. Socialism also controls the media and make up the news promoting a welfare state and by other means goes controlling and perpetual power, limitating society at it's capability of rise against or even vote. |
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