Tyranny is HERE! The grim future foretold in 1984 has become reality. The United States is now recognized globally as one of the most oppressive police states on earth. And it's only getting worse. POLICE STATE 4 chronicles the sickening depths to which our republic has fallen. Veteran documentary filmmaker Alex Jones conclusively proves the existence of a secret network of FEMA camps, now being expanded nationwide. The military industrial complex is transforming our once free nation into a giant prison camp. A cashless society control grid, constructed in the name of fighting terrorism, was actually built to enslave the American people. Body scanners, sound cannons, citizen spies, staged terror and cameras on every street corner -- it's only the beginning of the New World Order's hellish plan. This film exposes how the "Continuity of Government" program has established an all powerful shadow state. Prepare to enter the secretive world of emergency dictatorship, FEMA camps, and a shredded Constitution. Witness police and military savagely attacking innocent citizens as our own government unleashes false flag operations to justify its oppression. Then watch as Alex Jones takes on corrupt mercenary police and exposes mainstream media brainwashing.

The Globalist Purge: UN Invasion, Martial Law, Walmart Closings, & FEMA Camps
It has been long in the making… Executive orders – from the time of Reagan to Obama have made it more and more of a reality today. We have seen glimpses of it during Hurricanes Katrina and Harvey – during Martial law training exercises, such as JadeHelm15. Evidences of FEMA Prison camps popping up all over the country, the militarization of police, the invasive procedures of intelligence services using the latest in A.I. technology… the list goes on and on.
There is an invasion of America happening as we speak, and they have traded in the red coats and white wigs, for white trucks and blue helmets. Join us, in this new documentary series produced by the Black Banners of the East Satellite Channel – as we expose the nefarious globalist plan to enslave anyone who refuses their New World Order. Be a part of the Media Revolution — the Black Banners of the East is taking this information out of the arena of YouTube Conspiracy and broadcasting its truth to millions on Satellite T.V. Help us… Like. Subscribe. Share.
US Fema Concentration Camps in Case of Martial Law – Full List
May 05 2018 posted to Conspiracy Theories
Over 800 prison camps discovered in the United States! They are heavily guarded by the national guard full-time, but are empty all the time! These camps are being run by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) should Martial Law take effect in the U.S. With just a simple order from President Donald Trump, Martial Law can be implemented, and he will remain, President in the White House, until it is over.
The Rex 84 Internment Camp Program
Which would mean he remains president indefinitely. The Rex 84 Camp Program, states. In an event which a “mass exodus” of Illegal immigrants flock over the border, they would be rounded up and sent to the FEMA camps. According to alternative news, the camps all have railroad connections, as well as roads and highways leading straight into them. Almost all also have an airport within a close distance to the camps. Most of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s prison camps can house 20,000 plus people in warehouse buildings and are secured by the national guard. The biggest of all the camps, however, is located in Alaska and could house up to 2 million people. The same amount of all the people in Los Angles. Just ask yourself, do you want to be on Ashcroft’s list?
FEMA Concentration Camps debunked by Popular Mechanics?
Others claim these are fake news and tried to debunking FEMA camp myths as conspiracy theories. Glenn Beck also advocated conspiracy theories about the plan that the US government is planning to intern masses of people e.g. in case the evil depopulations ‘agenda 21‘ by the New World Order proceeds. He later backpedaled and hosted a segment featuring a guest from the science news website Popular Mechanics, who ‘debunked’ Glenn Becks own claims.
List of all U.S FEMA Camps
There is a camp close to the most major city’s in the U.S so transporting people would not be a problem. Special protocols and massive training events have put in place to prepare for an influx of people. This means you and your family could be sent to a camp in this event. Try and prepare for this as best you can by sitting down with your family you discuss a plan of action in this event.
Try to have at least one months supply of clean water and emergency food for everyone including pets. Research more on FEMA camps to learn more locations near you.
We, the preppers, must fight the new world order as best we can.
Opelika WWII German/Italian POW camp now being renovated.
Wilds of Alaska possibly East of Anchorage.
No access by road however, there is a railway system.
The facility holds 500,000 people.
Ft. Huachua, 20 miles from the Mexican border, 30 miles from Nogales. Rex 84 program. Emergency Custodial Facility.
Florence WWII German/Italian POW camp now being renovated.
Pinal County Gila River. Renovated WWII Japanese-American special internment detention facility.
Yuma County Colorado River. Renovated WWII Japanese-American special internment detention facility.
Ft. Chaffee Has a new runway for aircraft, new detention camp facilities with cap of 20,000 prisoners.
Chicot/Drew Counties Jerome. Renovated spec Interment camps for Japanese Americans WWII.
Descha County Rohwer. Renovated WWII Japanese-American special internment detention centers.
Blythville AFB This base was closed but is now being used as a camp location. New wooden barracks have been constructed at this location. This camp is surrounded by high wire topped with barbed wire and has guard towers.
Berryville FEMA facility located east of Eureka on Hwy 62.
Omaha FEMA facility located on Hwy 65 south of old wood processing plant. It is on an old dirt road that leads to a toxic waste dump. Note: The facility in Miss. is also located on an old toxic waste dump.
Oakdale Ca 90 miles East of San Francisco on HWY 120. Holds a minimum of 15,000 people. REX 84 program, Emergency Custodial Facility.
Vandenberg AFB Located midway between San Louis Obispo, and Santa Barbara. The base is on Hwy 1 and close to Hwy 101. REX 84 program, Emergency Custodial Facility.
Ft. Irwin Irwin is a remote Mtn region south of Death Valley, National Monument. This base is designated as inactive however, there is a concentration camp located at this facility about 30 miles from Interstate 15 in Barstow.
Inyo County Manzana. Renovated WWII Japanese-American special internment detention center.
Modoc County Tulelake. Renovated WWII Japanese-American special internment detention facility.
Sacramento Army Depot No specific data at this time.
Old Lowell AFB. Recently all new chain link fence was installed around the borders, plus 400,000 handcuffs and shackles were purchased by the government for this site.
Avon Park No data available
Camp Krome Located near Miami Dept of Justice detention and interrogation facility.
Elgin AFB This base is greater than 50 miles long extending from Pensacola Bay to Hwy 331 in De Funiak Springs. It is adjacent to Interstate 10 on the North and the Fort Walton Beach vacation spot.
REX 84 program, Emergency Custodial Facility.
Ft. Benning Located East of Columbia near the Georgia/Alabama state line. – REX 84 program – Emergency Custodial Facility.
Unadilla, Ga Macon County; Located on east railroad street, Plunket road leads into the facility 1 1/2 miles from Unadilla on county road 230. This is a FEMA prison manned and staffed but no prisoners.
Oglethorpe, Ga. Macon County; the facility is located five miles from Montezuma, three miles from Oglethorp. Traveling south on highway 49, located on the west side of the highway. This FEMA prison has no staff and no prisoners.
Morgan, Ga. Calhoun County; I-75 exit 32 to 300 south to Albany. Take highway 234 to Morgan. Go through Morgan taking highway 45 south. The FEMA facility is 1 1/2 miles on the right (west) side of highway 45. This FEMA facility is fully manned and staffed but no prisoners.
Camilla, Ga. Mitchell County; from Camilla take highway 19 south, travel 5.4 miles from 37/19 junction to Mount Zion Road, turn left (east) on Mount Zion Road. The FEMA facility is located on Mount Zion Road aprox: 5.7 miles south of Camilla. This facility is not manned or staffed and there are no prisoners.
Hawkinsville, Ga Pulaski County; located on fire road 100/ Upper River Road, 2 miles west of alternate 129 North 257 / 112 east. Five miles east of Hawkensville. This FEMA facility is fully manned and staffed but no prisoners.
Abbeyville, Ga. Wilcox County: south side of Abbeyvilleon highway 129 (Broad Street) off highway 280 (Main Street). This FEMA facility is fully manned and staffed but no prisoners.
McRae, Ga. Telfair County; 1.5 miles west of McRae on highway 134 (8th street). The FEMA facility is on Irwinton Ave. off 8th street. This facility is fully manned and staffed but no prisoners.
Frequencies: 153.7400 Georgia State Correctional Institutions 154.9050 Intrastate Coordinating (car to car statewide) 154.9350 Intrastate Coordinating (base to base / statewide) 155.3700 Georgia Police Intersystem (statewide)
Jerome County – Minipoka – Renovated WWII Japanese-American special internment detention facility.
Kooski plus 50 miles East. Near Lolo pass
Moose Creek Unmanned and there is anearbyy landing strip in or near a national forest.
Marseilles It is located on the Illinois river off Interstate 80 on Hwy 6. It is a relatively small facility with a cap of 1400 prisoners.
Though it is small it is designed like other concentration camp facilities with high fences topped with barbed wire and guard towers.
Thousands of acres located just out of Indianapolis, Indiana holds a large Concentration camp facility complete with barracks, high fence, razor wire, towers, turnstyles, a railroad, helicopter landing pads, and what appears to be three large furnaces with 3inch mains on one of the buildings. This is a massive facility, still under construction with a completion date sometime in 1996.
Ft. Benjamin Harrison A U.S. Army facility located on the outskirts of Indianapolis will be used to hold prisoners.
Ft. Wayne FEMA Detention facility
Terre Haute FEMA Detention facility
Leavenworth U.S. Marshal’s Fed Holding Facility PFP.
Concordia WWII POW German/Italian POW camp being renovated.
El Dorado Federal prison.
Topeka 80 acres converted to a holding camp.
Louisville FEMA Detention facility
Lexington FEMA Detention facility
Livingston WWII German/Italian POW camp being renovated.
Houlton WWII German/Italian POW camp being renovated.
Richards Gebaur AFB This facility is located in Grandview, A large civilian internment facility has been built on this facility, and base personnel are restricted from the area.
Kincheloe Correctional Facility (Formerly Kincheloe AFB with B-52 sized runways). Has five large prison buildings able to house 5000+. The facility has about 500 prisoners at this time. Location: 20 miles south of Sault Ste. Marie (Soo Locks) at the eastern end of the Upper Penninsula of Michigan.
K.I. Sawyer AFB Large construction program has been going on under the name of “Operation Gateway”. High security is in place with a large portion of the base closed to civilian view. Location: 20 miles south of Marquette, MI in the Upper Penninsula of Michigan.
Raco Field Raco field is an interesting facility. The above ground runways form a perfect triangle. Few buildings appear on the surface, but ventilators can be seen. Civilian workers report that a subsurface facility exists. No publicity exists indicating what the role of Raco Field is, although something is there. To observers, it is an “inactive WWII base.” Location: 15 miles NW of Kincheloe Correctional Facility on Hwy 28.
Bark River A large construction operation is ongoing in the Bark River, MI, area. Locals are tight-lipped. The facility is off the main highway in a wilderness area. While most of the locals say that the construction is associated with the ELF (extreme low frequency) project of world-wide communications, others suspect FEMA is involved. (Note: the ELF grid is located 100 miles NE of the Bark River area) Location: 20 miles west of Escanaba in the upper penninsula of Michigan.
Bay City Sits on Saginaw Bay which connects to Lake Huron. This facility has high fencing, barbed wire and guard towers.
Grayling Camp Grayling Michigan National Guard Base. Detention facility. Guards towers, razor wire.
Southwest area of the state FEMA Detention facility
Central part of the state FEMA Detention facility
Detroit FEMA Detention facility
Hancock County – The NASA facility at this location has two camps the first being located at the end of Kiln road at Waveland, and then the next road after ammo road at the Post Office.
The second camp is located in the center of a rest station back from the Interstate.
Inmates from the Hancock County jail claim they have worked details involving the delivery of food to these camps under the supervision of U.N. Guards.
Scottsbluff WWII German/Italian POW camp being renovated.
Northwest corner of state FEMA Detention facility
Northeast corner of state FEMA Detention facility
South Central Hastings area FEMA Detention facility
Elco There is a prison facility 10 miles out of Elco.
Wells Camp is located in the O’Niel basin area, 40 miles North of Wells, and West off Hwy 93, 25 miles.
Winnemucca Camp is located at the I-80 mile marker 112, on the south side of the road and 3/4 miles off of the road.
Wells/Winnemucca Camp is located near the base line of the mountains. Reno Nevada plus 150 miles east south side of road if your headed west, 150 yards off the road.
New Jersey:
Ft. Dix Fully operational prison camp with approximately 35,000 prisoners.
New York:
Ft. Drum located in upstate New York, probable location for Eastern area processing of people, located near the St. Lawrence river and access to Lake Ontario. Both waterways may be used for transport. Located very close to Canada.
Watertown FEMA Detention facility
Albany FEMA Detention facility
Buffalo FEMA Detention facility
Cleveland FEMA Detention facility
Columbus FEMA Detention facility
Cincinnati FEMA Detention facility
Lima FEMA Detention facility
Oklahoma City Tinker AFB, This is a civilian detention facility, all base personnel are prohibited from going near the area, and the area is under constant guard.
McAlester WWII German/Italian POW camp being renovated.
Will Rogers Air Port This is a newly constructed FEMA facility, and it is believed that it will be used as a primary processing center for prisoners West of the Mississippi River.
Camp Hill Camp Hill Pa located off I-15. Sits across the navigable Susquehanna River from Harrisburg. Close to Cumberland Army Depot and the Camp Hill Correctional facility.
Crossville WWII German/Italian POW Camp being renovated.
Ft.Hood Ft. Hood has a newly built concentration camp, constructed complete with towers, high fencing, and barbed wire.
Mexia WWII German/ Italian POW camp being renovated.
Amarillo FEMA Detention facility
Millard County – Central Utah – Renovated WWII Japanese-American special internment detention facility.
Skull Valley Camp William property – west of the old bombing range South/southwestern portion of Camp Williams This camp was discovered by a man and his son who were rabbit hunting, they were discovered and apprehended.
Utah Lake 15 miles south of Saratoga Recreation center 200 – 300 yards off the road Black wire 40 to 50 feet tall, made to look something like a golf driving range.
Cedar City East of Cedar City Utah – no more data.
Okanogan County borders Canada and is a site for a massive concentration camp capable of holding hundreds of thousands of people.
Ft. McCoy Located in Western Wisconsin 30 miles East of LaCrosse between the point where 90 and 94 intersect. REX 84 program, Emergency Custodial Facility.
Central part of the state FEMA Detention facility.
Park County – Hart Mountain – Renovated WWII Japanese-American special internment detention facilities.
North Central part of the state FEMA Detention facility
Southeast part of the state FEMA Detention facility
Southwest part of the state FEMA Detention facility
East Yellowstone – Manned facility. Investigators were apprehended by European soldiers, unable to identify the language used by the foreign soldiers, American government helped clear the situation.
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